
Sachbearbeiter bank Jobs in Neulußheim

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Sachbearbeiter bank • neulußheim

Zuletzt aktualisiert: vor 1 Tag
Aufsichtf. Sachbearbeiter (Materialverwaltung)

Aufsichtf. Sachbearbeiter (Materialverwaltung)

U.S. Army Europe and AfricaGermersheim, DE
Sachbearbeiter (Materialverwaltung).This is a re-announcement of vacancy announcement 24AUG0HU5SIG0X403267-1.Applications for vacancy announcement 24AUG0HU5SIG0X403267-1 are NOT valid for this anno...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor 11 Tagen
  • Gesponsert
Bachelor of Arts (m / w / d) - BWL Bank, Fachrichtung Bank an der DHBW Mannheim

Bachelor of Arts (m / w / d) - BWL Bank, Fachrichtung Bank an der DHBW Mannheim

Sparkasse HeidelbergHeidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, DE
Starte deine Karriere bei der Sparkasse Heidelberg!.Mit einem guten Abitur in der Tasche, willst du Theorie und Praxis perfekt verbinden?. Ein anerkannter Bachelor-Abschluss, ist ein guter Start in ...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor über 30 Tagen
Sachbearbeiter Kundenservice Logistik

Sachbearbeiter Kundenservice Logistik

Select GmbHGermersheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, DE
Sachbearbeiter Kundenservice Logistik.Du hast bereits Erfahrung in der Logistik und weißt genau, was Du kannst? Dann ist das Deine neue berufliche Herausforderung. Wir begleiten Dich auf dem Weg zum...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor über 30 Tagen
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Sachbearbeiter (m / w / d) Finanzbuchhaltung

Sachbearbeiter (m / w / d) Finanzbuchhaltung

Geiger Gruppe OberstdorfHeidelberg, DE
Über unsÜber uns Unsere inzwischen 100-jährige Erfolgsgeschichte wurde von Generation zu Generation weiterentwickelt.Auch in Zukunft geht es darum, ein starker Partner zu sein und kontinuierlich am...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor 3 Tagen
Sachbearbeiter Vertrieb Teilzeit

Sachbearbeiter Vertrieb Teilzeit

Lidl in DeutschlandStockholmer Str. , Speyer
Wir wollen für unsere Kunden nur das Beste.Du sorgst vom Schreibtisch aus dafür, dass der Laden läuft.Mit dem Herz bist du in der Filiale. Zusammen zeigen wir, dass im Einzelhandel zu arbeiten bedeu...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor über 30 Tagen
Sachbearbeiter (m / w / d)

Sachbearbeiter (m / w / d)

AlphaConsult KGHeidelberg, Deutschland
Die AlphaConsult Gruppe- Experten mit 15 starken Marken unter einem Dach!.Kompetente Mitarbeiter und passende Jobangebote finden. Wir sind die AlphaConsult KG und Ihr Partner für Beruf und Karriere....Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor über 30 Tagen
Sachbearbeiter Buchhaltung (m / w / d) - Felgenhersteller

Sachbearbeiter Buchhaltung (m / w / d) - Felgenhersteller

IMPACT GmbHSchifferstadt
20,00 € stündlich
Unser Kundenunternehmen gehört zu einer de führenden Herstellern von hochwertigen Leichtmetallfelgen für den PKW Markt in Europa. Für den Standort in Schifferstadt suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zei...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor über 30 Tagen
Sachbearbeiter Vertriebsinnendienst

Sachbearbeiter Vertriebsinnendienst

HengstKetsch, DE
Mobilität, Gesundheit, Technologie & Nachhaltigkeit : Wir arbeiten täglich an den großen Themen unserer Zeit.Und das mit dem Ziel, den Planeten zu einem saubereren Ort zu machen.Als Familienunterneh...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor über 30 Tagen
Sachbearbeiter / in Auftragsabwicklung

Sachbearbeiter / in Auftragsabwicklung

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbHHeidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland
Adecco bietet Ihnen spannende Einsatzmöglichkeiten in namhaften Unternehmen aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen.Bearbeitung und Verwaltung von Kundenaufträgen. Prüfung der Aufträge auf Vollständigk...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor 11 Tagen
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Sekretariat / Sachbearbeiter Immobilien (gn)

Sekretariat / Sachbearbeiter Immobilien (gn)

Lidl Immobilien DienstleistungMannheim / Heidelberg
Wir wollen für unsere Kunden nur das Beste.Egal, was du bei Lidl machst - du machst es mit vollem Einsatz.Zusammen zeigen wir, dass im Einzelhandel zu arbeiten bedeutet, jeden Tag als Team zu arbei...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor über 30 Tagen
Sachbearbeiter Logistik (gn)

Sachbearbeiter Logistik (gn)

Gi Group Deutschland GmbHnahe Karlsruhe, Deutschland
Sachbearbeiter Logistik (gn) .Unterstützung bei administrativen Aufgaben in der Logistikkoordination und Auftragsabwicklung. Zusammenarbeit mit Vertrieb, Service und Logistikzentrum für re...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor 1 Tag
  • Gesponsert
Sachbearbeiter Buchhaltung (m / w / d)

Sachbearbeiter Buchhaltung (m / w / d)

INP Deutschland GmbHSpeyer, DE
Sachbearbeiter Buchhaltung (m / w / d).Erfassung der Geschäftsvorfälle im ERP-System.Rechnungsprüfung nach steuerrechtlichen und internen Vorschriften. Unterstützung der technischen Projektabwicklung.Al...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor über 30 Tagen
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Duales Studium BWL Bank

Duales Studium BWL Bank

Vereinigte VR Bank Kur und Rheinpfalz eGSpeyer, Rheinland-Pfalz, DE
Speyer Starte deine Karriere bei der Vereinigten VR Bank Kur und Rheinpfalz eG.Du stehst kurz vor dem Abitur und bist unsicher, ob du eine Ausbildung oder ein Studium beginnen sollst? Warum nicht d...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor über 30 Tagen
Sachbearbeiter Disposition

Sachbearbeiter Disposition

JOB AGSpeyer, Rheinland-Pfalz, DE
2.678,00 €–3.293,00 € monatlich
Wir bieten Ihnen als Sachbearbeiter Disposition.Ein attraktives Einkommen je nach Berufserfahrung zwischen 2.Ausgezeichnete berufliche Perspektive durch die Option auf Übernahme.Eine kostenfreie Un...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor über 30 Tagen
  • Gesponsert
Sachbearbeiter Disponent (m / w / d)

Sachbearbeiter Disponent (m / w / d)

Autohaus Gegner GmbHHeidelberg, DE
Über unsÜber uns Wir stellen uns vor : AUTOHAUS GEGNER IST FORD-PARTNER DER ERSTEN STUNDE! Die Bandbreite unserer Ford Modelle ist einzigartig. Damit können wir für jeden Kundenwunsch die passenden F...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor über 30 Tagen
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Sachbearbeiter (m / w / d) Rechnungswesen

Sachbearbeiter (m / w / d) Rechnungswesen

3Z Personalservice GmbHUbstadt-Weiher
Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor 15 Tagen
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Sachbearbeiter Katastrophenschutz (m / w / d)

Sachbearbeiter Katastrophenschutz (m / w / d)

Stadtverwaltung WalldorfWalldorf, DE
Wir sind eine Stadt im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis mit ca.Einwohnerinnen und Einwohnern mit gut ausgebauter Infrastruktur und hohem Freizeitwert und suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt.Sachbearbeiter Katas...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor 5 Tagen
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Sachbearbeiter Qualitätssicherung (m / w / d)

Sachbearbeiter Qualitätssicherung (m / w / d)

Sunval Nahrungsmittel GmbHWaghäusel, Deutschland
Mitarbeitern an mehr als 20 Standorten in Deutschland, den Niederlanden und weiteren internationalen Hubs Milch zu Lebensmitteln höchster Qualität. Das Produktportfolio reicht von Käse, Molkereiprod...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor 12 Tagen
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Sachbearbeiter Katastrophenschutz (m / w / d)

Sachbearbeiter Katastrophenschutz (m / w / d)

Stadt WalldorfWalldorf, Baden-Württemberg, DE
Stadt im Rhein-Neckar-Kreis mit ca.Einwohnerinnen und Einwohnern mit gut ausgebauter Infrastruktur und hohem Freizeitwert und suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zur Verstärkung des Teams einen.Sa...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor 4 Tagen
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Sachbearbeiter Beschaffung - Einkauf Kältetechnik (gn)

Sachbearbeiter Beschaffung - Einkauf Kältetechnik (gn)

Lidl DienstleistungMannheim / Heidelberg
In der Beschaffung ist kein Weg zu weit, keine Kommunikation zu schwierig und kein Problem unlösbar.Dabei haben wir die Kostenoptimierung und Einsparpotenziale im Blick und Kennzahlen auf dem Schir...Mehr anzeigenZuletzt aktualisiert: vor über 30 Tagen
Diese Stelle ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar.
Aufsichtf. Sachbearbeiter (Materialverwaltung)

Aufsichtf. Sachbearbeiter (Materialverwaltung)

U.S. Army Europe and AfricaGermersheim, DE
Vor 11 Tagen

Aufsichtf. Sachbearbeiter (Materialverwaltung)

Germersheim , Germany


This is a re-announcement of vacancy announcement 24AUG0HU5SIG0X403267-1.

Applications for vacancy announcement 24AUG0HU5SIG0X403267-1 are NOT valid for this announcement,

submission of a new application is required.


Current INTERNAL Local National Employees throughout Germany.

This covers all current Local National employees of the U.S. Forces in Germany,

including U.S. Air Force and AAFES-Europe within Germany.

EXTERNAL Local National Applicants, who reside in Germany.


Provides continuity of leadership to the 6981st CSG in the development of plans, goals, and objectives of the organization'stechnical supply functions and work concerning receiving, handling, storing, maintaining, issuing, or documentation and physicallycontrolling items within storage and distribution systems. Establishes internal procedures for the proper handling of documents andtransactions to ensure full control over the movement of supplies and equipment is continuously maintained. Evaluates requirements foradditional resources and balances organization needs with overall mission requirements and resource interests. Coordinates the activitiesof various personnel engaged in the documentary control of supply and related transactions, to include the maintenance of hand receipts,using the new Global Combat Support System, Army (GCSS-A) and other documents and registers for supply and inventory accounting.Ensures that all procedures and supply requests are in accordance with demands, regulations, automated systems (GCSS-A End UserManual (EUM+) etc.). Determines method of obtaining relief from responsibility for lost, damaged, and destroyed supply items. Controlsthe proper maintenance of authorized stock levels; after an analysis of changes in demands and other related factors, and in coordinationwith supported units and subject-matter specialists at higher levels, establishes stock levels and reorder points for new items of supply orrevises those of existing stocks. Initiates and / or supervises the timely preparation of resupply requisitions for items of equipmentauthorization on the unit's TDA. Establishes procedures for, and continuously controls the distribution, accountability, and documentation ofequipment and supplies through a band-receipt system. Ensures unusable equipment is properly disposed of and pertinent documents havebeen processed. Initiates replacement of unserviceable items. Initiates Hand Receipt inventories, handles high priority requests, documentregister, supply status files, hand receipt files, and clothing records for completeness, consistency, and compliance with instructionalframework. Examines tables of allowances, catalogues, and other supply publications for necessary information on which to base requiredrequests. Inspects storage areas to ensure proper storage of operational stock, basic loads, repair parts, and reviews storage of officesupplies for adequacy. Determines deficiencies, initiates corrective actions, and solves supply problems. Evaluates status of equipmentavailability, condition of stored equipment, and suitability of the equipment for mission accomplishment. Periodically reports to supervisorand higher headquarters on the status of responsible support provided. Maintains allocated supply funds and makes proposals foradjustments. Determines inconsistencies and reports discrepancies to supervisor. Provides input for inspection reports. The incumbentexercises considerable independent judgment and discretion in planning and executing all phases of the logistics process, which affectsprogram and activities in the assigned areas of responsibility.

Oversees and manages the operation of various tool rooms and storage areas for stocking parts, equipment (to include itemsrequiring special handling or safeguarding), clothing, and operational supplies. Maintains close contact with local vendors and suppliers toobtain quotes for Purchase Requests and Commitments (PR&C). Contacts representatives of the regional contracting offices to obtaincontracts and status of requisitions. Is responsible for the overall supply operations within this organization, providing, advice and assiststhe Superintendent and Section Chiefs on all matters pertaining to unit supply. Monitors and consolidates supply reports. Effects propersupply condition between unit and higher headquarters. Resolves supply problems. Performs supply inspections as required by AR 710-2and DA Pam 710-2-1. Administrates and controls organizational supply funds. Prepares and updates the equipment part of the unit's TDAand other authorizations Establishes procedures for the proper receipt, storage, documentary control, and issue of individual items;ensures these procedures are adhered to; makes appropriate changes based on new regulations or operational requirements. Responsiblefor the proper operation of a consolidated supply point for individual clothing and equipment, and of a central collection and re-issue pointfor laundry and dry-cleaning items. Advises supported units and personnel at higher levels regarding any matter pertaining to the supplyactivities in their support. Provides guidance, as necessary, on the revision of pertinent documents, requests, etc. Initiates and controls thepreparation of various reports, statistics, and correspondence to request supplies and equipment, follow-up on outstanding requisitions,report funds utilization and funds in supply demand, etc. Monitors and coordinates allocation of equipment, maintenance assets, suppliesand / or services to meet daily requirements. Maintain supply room or office and supervise distribution of all supplies and accountableproperty. Represents the organization and command at high-level meetings with key officials of military services, and industry. Makescommitments, which obligate the Command to a particular course of action. Ensures the best business practices are in place and used.

Performs the full range of supervisory functions over a staff of six employees performing a mixture of technical supply functionsand work concerned with receiving, handling, storing, maintaining, issuing, or physically controlling items within a storage and distributionsystem. Plans work schedules and sequence of operations to assure an even flow and distribution of work, the expeditious handling ofpriority cases and the meeting of schedules and deadlines; revises work schedule to meet changes in workload. Coordinates with representatives of other units concerning matters of work accomplishment, priorities, and procedures. Prepares workload and productionreports as necessary. Assigns work to employees or assigns employees to positions; breaks out tasks as necessary to provide newemployees with the experience and training required to perform the work. Explains work requirements, methods and procedures asneeded, giving special instructions on difficult or different operations and answering technical questions about the work. Reviews work inprogress and / or upon completion or spot-checks work as appropriate to assess the quality and quantity of work produced by eachemployee. Informs higher level supervisor of anticipated vacancies, increase in workload or other circumstances to obtain replacements,temporary help, or additional staff. Recommends promotions, reassignment, or other status changes of assigned personnel. Overseesattendance and leave, to include approval of annual leave and vacation schedules. Resolves informal complaints of employees and contactshigher levels of supervision, for information and correction of unsatisfactory conditions, as appropriate. Directs and conducts on-the-jobtraining for employees. Advises employees of the performance requirements of their positions. May interview candidates for vacancies andrecommends appointment, promotion or reassignment. Hears and resolves employee complaints, referring group grievances and moreserious unresolved complaints to a higher level. Effects minor disciplinary measures and recommends other action in more serious cases.Identifies developmental and training needs and arranges actions to fulfill those needs. Informs employees about the policies, procedures,and goals of management as they relate to the work of the unit and changes thereto, and informs management of employees'participation, suggestions, and reactions. Analyzes resource utilization to control or reduce costs and ensure achievement of programobjectives.

Evaluates and interprets directives, instructions and program guidance received from higher commands to determine impact onassigned supply programs, policies, and procedures and develops procedural guidance. Reads and interprets incoming policy and directivesand evaluates program effectiveness through review of reports and other means and takes corrective action when appropriate. Resolvestechnical problems and analyzes business processes to isolate potential problem areas or operational supply management deficiencies withthe goal of implementing improvements to achieve optimum results. Using data extracts or standard reports to analyze performance inmeeting assigned supply program / budgetary goals. Makes use of PC based Microsoft capabilities for generating reports or displaying datato emphasize a point or perform trend analyses. Based on findings of complex review and studies, recommends new procedures or processchanges to achieve more effective supply program / budget administration. Recommends improvements or corrective actions to the UnitCommander. Conducts analyses of budget programming information. Initiates and maintains direct contact with the leadership and supplyprogram managers, technicians of higher commands. Develops and adjusts multi-year plans for the development and improvement ofmanaged programs, ensuring that plans meet mission requirements and incorporate technological advances.

Performs other duties as assigned.


Explanations to the E&T Levels (Education & Training Levels) can be found at the link "Description of the Education & Training Levels" :

https : / / portal.chra.army.mil / mnrs?sys_id=0a86e971cd2d2d10aaffb5ebb50f5ac9&view=sp&id=mnrs_kb_article&table=kb_knowledge

C-7a : E&T Level I :

2 years of creditable experience as defined in A below

PLUS 5 years of experience as defined in B below

PLUS 1 year as defined in C below.

Current employees who do not meet E&T Level I and who are not in the same or similar occupation

must have 2 additional years of creditable experience as described in A below.

E&T Level II :

1 year of creditable experience as defined in A below

PLUS 5 years of experience as defined in B below

PLUS 1 year as defined in C below.

E&T Level III :

4 years of experience as defined in B below

PLUS 1 year as defined in C below.

E&T Level IV :

3 years of experience as defined in B below

PLUS 1 year as defined in C below.

E&T Level V :

2 years of experience as defined in B below

PLUS 1 year as defined in C below.

Current employees who have served one year in the same or similar occupation

are qualified for the next higher grade.

Experience A :

Included clerical work in an office or store, working with computers, bookkeeping, making and recording inventories, telephone marketing, arranging for events or as a cashier, etc.

Experience B :

Experience in the same or similar line of work as the job for which considered.

The experience must demonstrate that the applicant possesses the particular knowledge, skills and abilities required in the position.

The predominant experience must have been gained at a comparable level of difficulty to the position to be filled.

The amount of the higher level experience must be in a reasonable relation to the required total number of years.

Experience C :

Professional work at a high level of responsibility in a difficult and closely related professional field that is in the same line of work to the position to be filled.

The experience must demonstrate thorough knowledge, sound judgment, personal initiative, and the ability to make sound decisions.

  • Office automation skills are required.
  • Employee must be able to lift and carry up to 30 lbs.
  • German driver's license class B required.
  • Must be able to obtain and maintain a military driver's license.


  • English Language Proficiency level C1 required,
  • German Language Proficiency level C1 required.
  • Description of the Language Levels :

    https : / / portal.chra.army.mil / mnrs?sys_id=13a66d71cd2d2d10aaffb5ebb50f5aa0&view=sp&id=mnrs_kb_article&table=kb_knowledge

    Auswahlkriterien auswählen

    General Information for LN Job Announcements - please read :

    https : / / portal.chra.army.mil / mnrs?sys_id=77e3ac4a5ce32110924578e08ba9227c&view=sp&id=mnrs_kb_article&table=kb_knowledge


    This is a permanent full-time (38.5 hrs / week) position.

    WE OFFER :

  • a global employer who stands for cultural diversity and equal opportunities
  • employment in an international environment with a welcoming atmosphere
  • high level of job security and attractive pay under German tariff agreements (CTA II; Protection Agreement) including, but not limited to, the following tariff entitlements :
  • 30 days of annual leave; 36 days for severely handicapped employees (additional time-off on 24 & 31 December per tariff agreement)
  • vacation and Christmas pay (total of 13 monthly salaries)
  • various additional social benefits (e.g., employer pension scheme through Allianz group insurance; property accrual payments)
  • Beyond the tariff agreement,

  • usually time off on 8-9 U.S. holidays due to work hour redistribution (governed by shop agreement)
  • employer-specific programs for flexible work schedules; mobile work; length-of-service / performance awards
  • health promotion and fitness programs, including free use of employer-run fitness centers.