PhD position in hydrothermal geochemistry and modelling
We are inviting applications for a Ph.D. position in aqueous geochemistry and thermodynamics, funded by the German Research Foundation within the priority program DOME.
Project information
The successful candidate will complement our strength in fluid-mineral interaction and is expected to develop new thermodynamic models for saline aqueous-carbonic fluids relevant to hydrothermal and geothermal processes. The project will investigate aqueous-chloride and aqueous-carbonate fluids and their potential for metal transport and mineralization as controlled by the activity of complexing ligands (HCl, CO2, alkali species). The objective is to develop and calibrate multicomponent thermodynamic models for the H2O-NaCl-KCl-HCl and H2O-Na2CO3-K2CO3-CO2 systems over a wide range of hydrothermal conditions up to 800 ºC and 5 kbar. These models will provide prediction of phase relations (e.g., magmatic devolatilization, liquid-vapor equilibria) and will allows us to geochemically model behavior of melts, brines and vapors in alkaline magmatic systems, with implications for critical-metal transport and mineralization.
The project is hosted within the federal priority program DOME, which offers excellent opportunities for scientific networking in the fields of geochemistry and mineral resources, with additional educational opportunities including short courses and workshops.