Robot QA Engineer (f/m/x) - Qualitätsmanagement, IT

München, DE
Bedauerlicherweise ist der von Ihnen gesuchte Job nicht mehr verfügbar.

Deine Auf ga ben

  • You work within a wider team of pro fes sio nals to ensure that the final pro ducts meet cus to mer and busi ness expec ta ti ons while kee ping the pro cess as effec tive and cost-effi ci ent as possible
  • You ana lyze, trou ble shoot and report defects on HW and SW
  • You improve our soft ware qua lity frame work, inclu ding soft ware inte gra tion tests, func tional hard ware-in-the-loop tests, and robot per for mance tests
  • You set up and test robots prior to ship ping to customers
  • You deve lop, main tain and prepare demos for show ing off our robots

Dein Pro fil

  • You hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Robo tics, CS, Engi nee ring, or a simi lar field
  • You have a good under stan ding of adja cent disci pli nes : mecha nics, elec tro nics, net works etc.
  • You have good know ledge of Linux, Python, ROS
  • You have been expo sed to pro ce du res for pro duct test ing, eit her by deve lo ping tests yours elf or by using exis ting tests
  • Fluency in Eng lish is requi red, and basic Ger man skills are helpful
  • Nice to have :
  • Expe ri ence with requi re ments, test cases and test exe cu tion documentation
  • Expe ri ence with debug ging and test ing elec tri cal and mecha ni cal systems
  • Expe ri ence with various sen sors (e.g. ste reo came ras, time-of-flight, laser)
  • Hands-on men ta lity in tack ling com plex problems
  • Expe ri ence with robo tic and / or embedded soft ware development
  • Expo sed to con cepts of Qua lity Eng and Relia bi lity Eng
  • Dri vers license

Was wir bieten

  • Cut ting-edge tech no logy : As pio neers in robo tics we are able to navi gate and mani pu late wit hout rails and gui des and offer solu ti ons to pro ces ses that no one could auto mate ever before!
  • Team : We are an inter na tio nal team with more than 25 natio na li ties. You’ll work in a team with excep tio nally smart, hum ble, col la bo ra tive and hard wor king individuals.
  • Cul ture : Come as you are! Join a vibrant, inven tive, and diverse team that values col la bo ra tion over hier ar chy.

To inno vate you need to fail from time to time we always learn and improve.

  • Work place : Our office is loca ted near the S Bahn sta tion Hirsch gar ten . We work in a loft-style office with great equip ment, our own work shop and test ing area.
  • Full Board : You don’t feel like thin king about what you want to have for lunch tomor row, not to men tion pre pa ring it?

Luckily, our french cook tre ats us with a freshly coo ked free lunch ever y day! And as the cherry on top, there is a packed fri dge with drinks, fresh fruits and of course coffee!

  • Fle xi bi lity : Fle xi bi lity is a top prio rity for us. Our hybrid working model for posi ti ons where pre sence is dis pensable helps to achieve a healthy work-life balance.
  • Bene fits : We offer attrac tive holi day, health care, and com pen sa tion packa ges. Learn more about our cur rent bene fits here.
  • Vor 8 Tagen
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