The High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart(HLRS) is the first national supercomputing center in Germany(since 1996). It operates one of the fastest supercomputers in theworld and provides access to supercomputers for universities andresearch institutions as well as industrial partners. HLRS holds aworldwide leading position in the research areas of parallelcomputing, cloud computing and high-performance data analysis. HLRSis also significantly involved in international and nationalresearch projects.
The Visualisation Department(VIS) of HLRS supports scientists in the visualization of HPCsimulations on the desktop, in virtual reality and augmentedreality and is looking for up to three
Research Scientist
f / m / d, up toTV-L 13, 100%)
Employmentis limited to various projects in the Visualization Department,until the
end of the projects, which is up to fouryears.