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Ph.D. & PostDoc Positions

Ph.D. & PostDoc Positions

Hasso Plattner InstitutPotsdam, Brandenburg
Vor 30+ Tagen

The Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering at the University of Potsdam, Germany, an internationally renowned research institution in Computer Science and IT Systems Engineering, invites applications for research assistants and research associates for visual analytics, computer graphics and information visualization.

Topics include but are not limited to :

  • Visual Analytics and AI / ML for Software Engineering
  • Visual Analytics and AI / ML for 3D Geospatial Data
  • Visual Analytics and AI / ML for Financial Data
  • Visual Analytics and AI / ML for Visual Media
  • Visual Analytics and AI / ML for Industrial IoT Data
  • Next Generation Real-time 3D Rendering Techniques
  • Web-based and Cloud-Based Visualization Techniques

Responsibilities : Conducting own research in one or more of the mentioned areas as well as teaching assistance in the HPI Bachelor and Master programs. The positions are located in the HPI Computer Graphics Systems group (www.hpi3d.de).

A great place to work : HPI provides an excellent work environment, including a newlyfounded AI lab for software engineering, research projects with leading business partners, strong academic coaching, and appropriate salaries (full-time, part-time).

A great place to live : HPI is located near Berlin, which offers a variety of educational opportunities, recreation and tourism, and culture. We offer relocation help.

We expect candidates

  • to have strong interests in research in Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied to visual data analytics;
  • to have a strong commitment to research and to teaching;
  • to be experienced in software engineering and development in theory and practice;
  • to have a Master's degree in Computer Science or Mathematics or in a closely related field;
  • to have effective communication skills in English; language skills in German are welcome.
  • Please send your application electronically to office-doellner(at)hpi.de with a letter of application, a complete curriculum vitae, and a short statement of research ideas and interests. Please direct questions about the positions also to office-doellner(at)hpi.de.