Studying abroad in Germany: Computer Science (Bachelor of Engineering)

witron group
Deutschland, Germany
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Studying abroad in Germany : Computer Science (Bachelor of Engineering) WITRON Gruppe

Parkstein Neustädter Straße 17, 92711 Parkstein Being part of the WITRON Group the WITRON Logistik + Informatik GmbH realizes economic and automated logistics systems.

Your duties Would you like to... and live abroad? ...learn German? ...obtain cross-cultural competences? ...gain practical knowledge?

have challenging career perspectives after your diploma? Welcome on board! The work-study program begins annually in mid-July and lasts about 4.

5 years. You will start with a practical training at WITRON and learn about programming languages, developing tools, databases, etc.

Parallel you will have intense German classes to improve your language skills. If your German is on a B2 level after the first year, you will start your studies at the local university.

During semester breaks, internship semester and bachelor thesis you will work within WITRON to expand your practical knowledge.

The program finishes with a Bachelor's degree as well as a skilled worker's certificate. Your profile

  • Minimum age : 18 years
  • University entrance qualification
  • Excellent school grades
  • IT interest, skills
  • Proficient English language skills
  • German knowledge, minimum A1 / A2 level
  • High level of motivation and flexibility
  • Open-mindedness and interest in other cultures We offer :
  • Fixed monthly compensation during the entire timeframe
  • No tuition fees
  • Paid vacation within the practical training period
  • Individual support, preparation for exams
  • Paid German language course YOUR BENEFITS Our logistics solutions ensure the supply for people globally. Likewise, it's important to us to be there for you as an employer.

Ensuring that you can count on reliable, above-average performance from the very first day of your apprenticeship. REMUNERATION Training allowance above the general pay scale, Christmas bonus, 30 days vacation (per calendar year), Allowance for one paid flight home per year, Allowance for housing BONUSES Cash and book prizes for good grades in the vocational school and final exams, Trainee of the year, Non-smoking bonus RETIREMENT AND RISK PROVISION Supplementary health insurance (costs borne by WITRON during the training), Accident insurance (worldwide, around the clock) AND MUCH MORE.

Highly subsidized meals in 4 canteens, free German language course (language certificate), combind events and activities PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS Ann-Katrin Weißenburger Do you have any questions about our international training programs?

We will be happy to help you and look forward to getting to know you.

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