At Ruby, your personality really matters, your time really matters, and we strongly believe we groove way better together. At Ruby, we keep breaking new ground.
Hey Sunshine,
You're a pro when it comes to planning and behind-the-scenes magic ? You believe that your work should be a place with personality and soul, where new ideas come to life? Then you are the missing olive to our Martini, the missing melody in our music and the heartbeat of our Rubyverse .
We are a fast-growing hospitality group with existing hotels and workspaces in some of Europe's most exciting locations and many more projects under construction. We break new ground with our Lean Luxury philosophy , creating a contemporary and affordable form of luxury. Our Corporate Office on the beautiful island of Malta, bundles together with the teams in Munich, all front office, marketing and revenue activities outsourced from the hotels.
Join us and make it your own story.
Trust us, you won't get bored, as you :
We've been waiting for you, since you have / are :
What's in for you? That's how we groove :
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby | 'Cause I'm having a good time |
Daily business? That's not the case with us . Whether you have an eye for detail or want to break new ground with your creative and innovative nature, whether you're tech-savvy or more passionate about numbers - there’s a place for you at Ruby. We’re always looking for friendly faces and passionate team players .
Not perfect CVs, but great personalities , who’ll help us create hotels and workspaces with character and soul . So, whatever makes you tick, join us and start your Ruby story.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
We believe that...
We can't deal with : isms
Racism, sexism, heterosexism, antisemitism, and such kind of isms are not tolerated here.
If you want to know what to expect, listen to Patrizia's story from our development team in Munich . You can find even more Ruby Stories here :
Get to know our People & Culture Team
Your Ruby Recruitment Team
Ruby ist eine stark wachsende Hospitality-Gruppe mit bestehenden Hotels und Workspaces in den spannendsten Locations Europas und vielen weiteren Projekten im Bau. Wir gehen mit unserer Lean Luxury Philosophie neue Wege und schaffen so eine zeitgemäße und bezahlbare Form von Luxus.
Vielfalt und Anderssein ist uns wichtig, deshalb streben wir ein Team an, in dem die unterschiedlichsten Charaktere ihren Platz finden. Bei uns sollst du du selbst sein. Jeder bringt seinen eigenen Rhythmus und seine eigene Melodie mit. So wird unser einzigartiger Groove lebendig. Haben wir eigentlich bereits erwähnt, dass wir Musik lieben?
Wir haben Spaß an dem, was wir tun und nehmen uns selbst nicht immer allzu ernst. Mit Leidenschaft und Herzblut bieten wir kosten- und stilbewussten Reisenden mehr als nur ein Be Das Gefühl angekommen zu sein, da wo das echte Herz der Stadt schlägt.
Join us and make it your own story!