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Managing Consultant / IT Project Manager

Managing Consultant / IT Project Manager

Heinrich-Heine-Universität DüsseldorfBonlanden, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Vor 24 Tagen

Managing Consultant / IT ProjectManager

The company

deron isan independent IT consulting company headquartered inStuttgart-Filderstadt and has specialized in Identity Management(IAM) for over 20 years. deron offers objective and forward-lookingIT consulting as well as effective implementation and stands for anIAM that is geared to the needs and processes of the company andnot the other way around.

For reinforcement inthe Stuttgart, Würzburg or Frankfurt area (home office / hybridworking possible, especially from Würzburg & Frankfurt!), deronis looking for a full-time or part-time (at least 30 hours / week)permanent position as soon as possible ...


  • After a tailored induction, youwill take on exciting projects for the automation of IT businessprocesses.
  • Together with your consultants, youwill analyze the current authorization management of our TOPcustomers.
  • You collect requirements andtranslate them into detailed process models and individualroadmaps.
  • You lead expert committees withspecialist departments, IT & compliance, develop & presentspecialist concepts and prepare decisions.
  • Youcoach your team in product evaluation and concept creation(requirement engineering, IT architecture) as well as in thedevelopment of customer-specific additions and interfaces (Java / XML).
  • You have the project progress (time,quality, budget) firmly under control and give your joint successesthe attention they deserve.
  • Internally, youcontribute your ideas and make deron a little bit better everyday.


  • a degree in businessinformatics or comparable knowledge
  • Experiencewith software development as a basis for managingdevelopers
  • Consulting experience and aconfident manner as well as negotiatingskills
  • Experience in dealing with processes& workflows
  • Very good German (at least C1)and technical English
  • Yourprofit

  • Renowned customers, dedicatedcolleagues & convincing solutions with real addedvalue
  • working directly with the CEO makes iteasy to get involved and make thingshappen
  • Flexible working conditions (part-timeand flexitime, home office, flexible vacationarrangements)
  • Customized, individualbenefits
  • Collegial workingatmosphere
  • Yourapplication

    Please send your documents to MonikaScherrbacher-Herrmann.

    E-mail : [email protected]

    Tel : +49 (0) 711 / 24 88 40 49

    Mobile : +49 (0) 152 / 22 77 3615

    Web : http : / / www.deron.de

    Additionalinformation :

    Requirements for theapplicant :

    Advanced knowledge : Projectmanagement, programming, process management
