Starkstromelektriker / in
Wiesbaden , Germany
INNERBETRIEBLICHE Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland. Dies umfasst alle ortsansaessigen Beschaeftigten der US Streitkraefte, einschliesslich US Air Force und AAFES-Europe, innerhalb Deutschlands.
Current INTERNAL Local National Employees throughout Germany. This covers all current Local National employees of the U.S. Forces in Germany, including U.S. Air Force and AAFES-Europe within Germany
und / and
AUSSERBETRIEBLICHE Bewerber, die in Deutschland wohnhaft sind.
EXTERNAL Local National Applicants, who reside in Germany.
Plans and lays out the routing, placement, type, size, balance, load, continuity and proper and safe operation of electrical lines, circuits, systems, equipment and control instruments. Applies the full variety of theoretical and practical knowledges of trade practices, interprets building plans, wiring diagrams and engineer drawings and uses formulas basic to the trade to figure such things as voltage and resistance. Installs, modifies and repairs distribution panels, boxes, fixtures, apparatus, transformers, switch gear and other electrical devices. Work requires knowledge of the make-up, operation and installation of a variety of electrical systems, circuits, equipment and controls in industrial type complexes with a large variety of machinery and tools or administration buildings providing electrical systems for a variety and large number of office appliances, data processing, printing or electronic display equipment. Uses the full variety of trade's tools such as test meters, test lamps, voltmeters, wattmeters, and ohmmeters. Troubleshoots equipment or cable systems to locate shorts, opens, grounds, crosses, electrolysis damage or capacitance imbalance, using such common electrical test devices as voltmeter, ohmmeter, and megger. Checks condition of transformers, switches, and cable. Tests insulating oil of transformers and oil switches for breakdown and contamination. Checks transformer operating temperatures. Checks voltage at secondary terminals and make repairs to defective, loose, or corroded connections. Drives a government vehicle in performance of above duties. Observes safety and traffic regulations. Records trips made and performs normal driver's maintenance of vehicles. Monitors a standby stock for spare parts pertaining to serviced systems. Ensures that necessary items are on hand. Requests additional items from supervisor. Alters switch plans for system as adjustments are made to controlling equipment. Performs other duties as assigned.
A-5 :
Completed vocational training of at least 30 months in the appropriate trade.
Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung in der entsprechenden Gewerbegruppe mit einer Ausbildungsdauer von mindestens 30 Monaten.
5 years of specialized experience.
5 Jahre einschlaegige Berufserfahrung.
A-6 :
Completed vocational training in the appropriate trade PLUS 2 years experience at a level of difficulty comparable to the Wage Group 5 or equivalent. The applicant must be able to perform the duties independently.
Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung in der entsprechenden Gewerbegruppe mit einer Ausbildungsdauer von mindestens 30 Monaten, PLUS 2 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Lohngruppe 5 oder in, vom Schwierigkeitsgrad vergleichbaren Taetigkeiten, welche selbstaendig ausgeuebt wurden.
8 years of specialized experience of which 3 years must have been performed at the wage group 5 or equivalent level.
8 Jahre einschlaegige Berufserfahrung von denen mindestens 3 Jahre in der Lohngruppe 5 oder vergleichbaren Taetigkeiten ausgeuebt wurden.
Englischlevel A1 und Deutschlevel B2 erforderlich.
Sie können ihre Sprachkompetenz kostenlos testen. Sie finden zahlreiche Testanbieter online, die Tests für die ‚Sprachniveaustufen nach dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen' (GERS) anbieten.
English Language Proficiency Level A1 AND German Language Proficiency Level B1 required.
You may test yourself for free at one of the various online providers, who offer tests under the 'Common European Framework of Reference for Languages' (CEFR).
https : / / / mnrs?sys_id=13a66d71cd2d2d10aaffb5ebb50f5aa0&view=sp&id=mnrs_kb_article&table=kb_knowledge
Auswahlkriterien auswählen
Generelle Informationen für LN Stellenausschreibungen - bitte lesen : /
General Information for LN Job Announcements - please read :
https : / / / mnrs?sys_id=77e3ac4a5ce32110924578e08ba9227c&view=sp&id=mnrs_kb_article&table=kb_knowledge
Dies ist eine Neuausschreibung der Stellenausschreibung 24JUL0JD221B0X245324. Bewerbungen für die Stellenausschreibung 24JUL0JD221B0X245324 sind für diese Ausschreibung nicht gültig, es muss eine neue Bewerbung eingereicht werden. This is a re-announcement of vacancy announcement 24JUL0JD221B0X245324. Applications for vacancy announcement 24JUL0JD221B0X245324 are not valid for this announcement, submission of a new application is required.
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Beyond the tariff agreement :
Das bieten wir Ihnen :
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