The School VI of Medicine and Health Sciences comprises the fields ofhuman medicine, medical physics and acoustics, neurosciences, psychology andhealth services research. Together with the four regional hospitals, School VIforms the University Medicine Oldenburg. Furthermore, there is closecooperation ties with the University Medicine of the University of Groningen.
In the division for Physiology and Modelling of Auditory Perception ofthe Department of Medical Physics and Acoustics there is a vacancy for a
Research Associate (m / f / d)
E13 TV-L, 100%)
to be filled as soon as possible for a limited period until31.12.2025. The position is suitable for part-time work.
This position isfunded by the cluster of excellence "Hearing4All" (https : / / / en / ), which, inturn, is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The Department ofMedical Physics and Acoustics offers an international scientific environment aswell as access to world-class research facilities (https : / / / en / mediphysics-acoustics).
Tasks include :
The purpose ofthe position is to connect the Dietz lab to one or two research threads of "Hearing4All" (see https : / / / en / research), ideally by collaborative research within the cluster.Multiple possibilities exist and allow the auditory-model-centered researchprogram to be tailored to the strength and interests of the successfulapplicant. One possibility is combining the groups binaural model with a deepneural network back-end. The Dietz lab is involved in improving code- and datasharing and to facilitate interoperable auditory research. Any experience orambition in this respect is very welcome.
Required qualifications :
Preferredqualifications :
Weoffer :
The University of Oldenburg aims to increase the proportion of women inthe academic field. Therefore, women are strongly encouraged to apply.According to § 21 para. 3 NHG, female applicants should be given preferentialconsideration if their qualifications are equivalent.
Applicants with disabilities are given preference in the event of equalsuitability.
Applications including CV, motivation letter, copies of the mostimportant certificates and the name and contact details of at least one personwho is willing to give a reference preferably by e-mail as one PDFdocument by September 6th,2023 to University of Oldenburg, Department of Medical Physics andAcoustics, 26111 Oldenburg, (