Bautechniker (m / w / d)
Stuttgart, Germany
INNERBETRIEBLICHE Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland. Dies umfasst alle ortsansässigen Beschäftigten der US-Streitkräfte, einschließlich US Air Force und AAFES-Europe, innerhalb Deutschlands
Current INTERNAL Local National Employees throughout Germany. This covers all current Local National employees of the U.S. Forces in Germany, including U.S. Air Force and AAFES-Europe within Germany
und / and
AUSSERBETRIEBLICHE Bewerber, die in Deutschland wohnhaft sind.
EXTERNAL Local National Applicants, who reside in Germany.
As an experienced engineering technician, plans, completes and performs complex project assignments of unlimited scope in the area of civil / landscape or architectural / civil engineering design for rehabilitation, alteration, specification and construction of projects in all engineering disciplines. Level of work is comparable to professional engineering work and requires long years of subject matter experience. Handles entire projects or segments of larger projects, performing analytical studies, requiring initiative, resourcefulness creativity and sound engineering judgment. Coordinates designs with engineers and technicians of other engineering disciplines. Coordinates and integrates specification development and writing of items pertaining to other engineering fields, incorporates specifications of own field into projects of other engineering disciplines. Reviews work requests and other basic material, studies existing plans and performs field investigations to determine nature and extent of work operations involved, time required to complete and phase, and equipment required. Performs field surveys to obtain technical data about existing conditions to support conceptual design process. Considers requirements concerning host nation construction and environmental regulations. Studies agency construction standards, manufacturer's bulletins, technical journals, various engineering standards and regulations (host nation and US Army). Adapts techniques and methods and uses experienced engineering judgment. Recommends alteration of project if more suitable to functional requirements or more economical. Prepares detailed designs and specifications for bidding action and computes cost estimates in accordance with given and calculated factors. Ensures accuracy completeness and clear presentation of figures and data to avoid misunderstandings by bidder. Presents completed project documents to supervisor for review and submission. Also functions as Contracting Officer Representative (COR) or alternate COR for various contracts being managed within the Contract Branch of the O&M Division i.e. Installation Management Contract, Individual Job Orders etc. Supports Contract Branch in performing / quality control and enforcing survilliance plans and inspections.
Description of the Education & Training Levels :
https : / / / includes / ln_education_training_levels.htm
E&T Level I, II and III : not creditable for this occupational series
E&T Level IVB and IVC : A Meister Diploma or Staatlich gepruefter Techniker in a trades or crafts field directly related to the position; PLUS 3 years of job related experience as defined below.
E&T Level IV A and D : not creditable for positions in this occupational series. E&T Level V : Graduation from a University or equivalent, e.g., Fachhochschule, the Berufsakademie,or Technische Hochschule as Wirtschaftsingenieur, Ingenieur des Maschinenwesens, der Elekrotechnik oder des Bauwesens; PLUS 2 years of job related experience as defined below.
Job Related Experience : Experience must be directly related to the area of specialization of the position and must be at a level of difficulty that compares to the grade of the position. Advanced journeyman trades and crafts experience that provided intensive knowledge of engineering principles, techniques, methods and precedents is a prerequisite, e.g., experience as a technician, instructor, inspector, or mechanic that shows progression in theoretical and practical knowledge of the area of specialization of the position.
Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Büroanwenderprogrammen erforderlich. / Office automation skills required.
Führerschein Klasse B erforderlich. / Driver's license class B required.
Englischlevel und Deutschlevel B1 erforderlich.
Sie können ihre Sprachkompetenz kostenlos testen. Sie finden zahlreiche Testanbieter online, die Tests für die ‚Sprachniveaustufen nach dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen' (GERS) anbieten.
English and German Language Proficiency Level B1 required.
You may test yourself for free at one of the various online providers, who offer tests under the 'Common European Framework of Reference for Languages' (CEFR).
Description of the Language Levels :
https : / / / mnrs?sys_id=13a66d71cd2d2d10aaffb5ebb50f5aa0&view=sp&id=mnrs_k_article&table=kb_knowledge
Auswahlkriterien auswählen
Generelle Informationen für LN-Stellenausschreibungen - bitte lesen :
General Information for LN Job Announcements - please read :
https : / / / mnrs?sys_id=77e3ac4a5ce32110924578e08ba9227c&view=sp&id=mnrs_kb_article&table=kb_knowledge
Gelegentliche Dienstreisen erforderlich. / Occasionally temporary duty travel (TDY) required.
Das bieten wir Ihnen :
Über den Tarifvertrag hinaus
We offer :
Beyond the tariff agreement,