The Search Relevance team within Wolts Search department owns the ML components of the Searchs stack that retrieve and rank restaurants stores dishes and items. Thanks to the teams ML capabilities Wolt can find the right results for a customer query in different touchpoints of our customers journey.
As a Senior Machine Learning Engineer in Wolts Search Relevance team you will :
Develop train deploy and maintain retrieval and ranking models that will surface the right content for our customers queries;
Work at Wolts scale : Wolt operates in 28 different markets with as many languages and millions of customers;
Be part of a crossdisciplinary team with Applied Scientists Software Engineers and Analysts to provide solutions to customer problems with a direct impact on the companys business KPIs;
Build the teams ML infrastructure and raise the teams ML engineering excellence bar;
Monitor maintain and troubleshoot the Search Relevances ML stack;
Contribute to our MLOps practices and liaise with Wolts ML Platform team.
This role can be based in one of our tech hubs in Berlin Helsinki or Stockholm.
Qualifications :
You are experienced in endtoend machine learning deployments and maintenance of ML systems and have at least 4 years of experience in ML / MLOps ;
You have deployed and ran ML models in production at scale ;
You bring solid experience in scaling and troubleshooting machine learning deployments to the table. You can help with the technical issues the teams encounter;
You are experienced in supporting realtime inference ML models in production;
Good understanding of ML and MLOps principles as well as Software engineering experience in Python should complete your profile;
Experienced in Docker Kubernetes workflow orchestration tools (e.g. Flyte) model and experiment registries (e.g. MLflow) and model serving systems (e.g. Seldon);
Domain experience in Search is highly preferable. We value previous experience building managing and improving highly performant search solutions;
You have solid communication and collaboration skills and are experienced in coordinating initiatives with your team and main technical and nontechnical stakeholders.
Additional Information :
The position will be filled as soon as we find the right person so make sure to apply as soon as you realize you really really want to join us!
The compensation will be a negotiable combination of monthly pay and DoorDash RSUs. The latter makes it exceptionally easy to be excited about our company growing and doing well as youll own a piece of the pie.
For any further questions about the position you can turn to Product Talent Acquisition Partner Fernanda ().
Remote Work : Employment Type :
Key Skills
Industrial Maintenance,Machining,Mechanical Knowledge,CNC,Precision Measuring Instruments,Schematics,Maintenance,Hydraulics,Plastics Injection Molding,Programmable Logic Controllers,Manufacturing,Troubleshooting
Department / Functional Area : Engineering
Vacancy : 1