Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Computational FluidDynamics

Technische Universität München (TUM)
Mintraching, Deutschland
Bedauerlicherweise ist der von Ihnen gesuchte Job nicht mehr verfügbar.

with an expected appointment in summer semester 2025.The position is a W2 fixed-term (6 year) tenure-track professorshipwith the possibility for promotion to a tenured W3.

ScientificEnvironment The professorship will be assigned to the Department ofEngineering Physics and Computation at the TUM School ofEngineering and Design.

Responsibilities The responsibilitiesinclude research and teaching as well as the promotion ofearly-career scientists. We seek to appoint an expert in theresearch area of Computational Fluid Dynamics with a focus on oneof the following areas : data-driven surrogate models for efficientcomplex-flow simulations, tailored numerical methods to makeefficient use of future compute hardware, large-scale simulationsof physically complex flows including turbulence andlaminar-turbulent transition, advanced numerical methods for flowswith shocks and interfaces, simulation and optimization ofengineering flows (e.

g. energy-, process-, automotive-,manufacturing-engineering), simulation of multiphase flows inmedicine, biology and life sciences.

Teaching responsibilitiesinclude courses in the university's bachelor and master programs aswell as further developing fluid mechanics teaching curricula.

Qualifications We are looking for candidates who have demonstratedinitial scientific achievements and the capacity for independentresearch at the highest international level.

A university degreeand an outstanding doctoral degree or equivalent scientificqualification, as well as pedagogical aptitude, are prerequisites.

Substantial research experience abroad is expected (please seewww.tum.de / en / faculty-recruiting-faq / for further information).

OurOffer Based on the best international standards and transparentperformance criteria, TUM offers a merit-based academic career pathfor tenure track faculty from Assistant Professor through apermanent position as Associate Professor, and on to FullProfessor.

The regulations of the TUM Faculty Recruitment andCareer System apply. TUM provides excellent working conditions in alively scientific community, embedded in the vibrant researchenvironment of the Greater Munich Area.

The TUM environment ismulticultural, with English serving as a common interface forscientific interaction. TUM offers attractive and performance-basedsalary conditions and social benefits.

The TUM Munich Dual CareerOffice (MDCO) provides tailored career consulting to the partnersof newly appointed professors.

The MDCO assists the relocation andintegration of new professors, their partners and accompanyingfamily members. Your Application TUM is an equal opportunityemployer and explicitly encourages applications from women.

Theposition is suitable for disabled persons. Disabled applicants willbe given preference in case of generally equivalent suitability,aptitude and professional performance.

Application documents shouldbe submitted in accordance with TUM's application guidelines forprofessors. These guidelines and detailed information about the TUMFaculty Recruitment and Career System are available atwww.

tum.de / faculty-recruiting. Here you will also find TUM'sinformation on collecting and processing personal data as part ofthe application process.

Please submit your application by 31August via the TUM recruitment portal : www.recruit.tum.de For anyqueries please contact faculty-recruitment@ed.

tum.de.PhysikInformatik Physik Professor, Professorin Lehre & Forschung,Wissenschaft IT, EDV, Telekommunikation UniversitätVollzeit

Vor 3 Tagen
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