Industry Advisor | Pharma, Life Sciences and MedTech

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Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. As employees we come together with a growth mindset, innovate to empower others, and collaborate to realize our shared goals.

Each day we build on our values of respect, integrity, and accountability to create a culture of inclusion where everyone can thrive at work and beyond.

The Microsoft Healthcare and Life Sciences (HLS) Industry Team leads that mission through deep collaboration with leading Healthcare and Life Sciences organization and brings together the Microsoft portfolio of industry solutions, partners, and ecosystem to help customers transform to meet the most challenging industry issues and to enable new life changing of the capabilities.

Microsoft’s Healthcare and Life Sciences team focuses on empowering customers on their digital journey. This team is responsible for envisioning new possibilities for our customers, delivering solutions that result in targeted business outcomes and driving revenue growth for Microsoft.

Microsoft is dedicated to the Healthcare and Life Sciences sector, leveraging its expertise in technology to drive innovation and improve healthcare outcomes.

Microsoft focuses on transforming healthcare through advanced computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI), offering solutions that aim to empower healthcare professionals and organizations.

By integrating its robust technology infrastructure with healthcare-specific applications, Microsoft is playing a pivotal role in the digital transformation of the healthcare and life sciences industry.

Microsoft's focus in the Pharma and Life Sciences sector is marked by its commitment to advancing scientific research and healthcare through technology.

Utilizing the foundation in cloud computing, AI, and data analytics, Microsoft provides tools and platforms that facilitate research, drug discovery, and the development of personalized medicine.

Microsoft Azure services include cloud-based data storage and analysis, AI-driven insights for genomic research, and collaborative platforms for scientists and researchers.

These technologies are designed to enhance the efficiency of research processes, improve data management, and enable breakthroughs in understanding complex biological systems.

Microsoft's partnerships with biotech companies, research institutions, and healthcare organizations underline its role as a key player in the digital transformation of life sciences, aiming to accelerate innovations from the laboratory to patient care.

Microsoft's enablement of the MedTech sector exemplifies its dedication to revolutionizing healthcare through technology.

Microsoft builds on its expertise in cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and data analytics to innovate in medical technology.

Microsoft's offerings focus on enhancing medical devices, improving diagnostic accuracy, and facilitating remote patient monitoring.

Through collaborations with medical device manufacturers and healthcare providers, Microsoft integrates its powerful Azure cloud platform and AI capabilities into various MedTech solutions.

These include advanced imaging technologies, wearable health devices, and AI-driven diagnostic tools. By providing secure and scalable platforms, Microsoft is not only advancing the technological capabilities of medical devices but also contributing to more efficient, personalized, and accessible healthcare solutions.


  • Proven experience working in Pharma or Life Sciences or MedTech industries or equivalent Consulting environment , driving digital transformation project blending industry knowledge and technical acumen
  • Bachelor's Degree in Business, Technology, or related field AND experience working in Pharma or Life Sciences or MedTech industries or equivalent Consulting environment , driving digital transformation project blending industry knowledge and technical acumen
  • OR Master's Degree in Business Administration AND experience working in Pharma or Life Sciences or MedTech industries or equivalent Consulting environment , driving digital transformation project blending industry knowledge and technical acumen


As an Industry Advisor - Pharma, Life Sciences and MedTech , you will have the opportunity to drive industry-focused sales for Microsoft and advance customers transformation through a blend of strategic consulting, and industry and technical acumen.

This role is responsible for originating sales and driving industry-led conversations with customers. Accountabilities include developing and winning market-making opportunities that deliver customer value and enabling transformational customer outcomes.

As an Industry Advisor - Pharma, Life Sciences and MedTech you will be the industry subject matter expert in digital business transformation, engaging with senior decision makers to identify, generate and nurture new business opportunities.

You will articulate and position strategic business value and long-term positive results of using Microsoft's products, partners and solutions, collaborating with your peers to successfully closing deals.

Main responsibilities :

  • Leverage Pharma, Life Sciences and MedTech industry depth to accelerate digital transformation with Microsoft Cloud resulting in net-new revenue opportunities and growth
  • Originate new opportunities across assigned customers, incubate new opportunities for Microsoft across Azure, Modern Work, Business Applications and Security that evidence positioning of repeatable Go To Market (GTM) industry solutions
  • Accelerate demand generation with customers leveraging C-Suite relationships to deliver multi-horizon incremental opportunities and growth
  • Generate thought leadership which successfully identifies, positions and advances new scalable, repeatable industry solutions
  • Deliver Operational Excellence, maximize time spent with customers and lead orchestration with core account team to realize value by consistently exceeding customers' expectations.

Benefits / perks listed below may vary depending on the nature of your employment with Microsoft and the country where you work.

Industry leading healthcareEducational resourcesDiscounts on products and servicesSavings and investmentsMaternity and paternity leaveGenerous time awayGiving programsOpportunities to network and connect

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