Jobsuche > Pulheim > Flexible student the

Flexible student employment at the Mercedes-Benz Logistics Center Cologne/Pulheim Fall 2024

Pulheim, DE
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Tätigkeitsbereich : SonstigesFachabteilung : Ferienbeschäftigung HR ServicesGesellschaft : Mercedes-Benz AGStandort : Mercedes-Benz Logistik-Center Köln, KölnStartdatum : .

4Veröffentlichungsdatum : ..4Stellennummer : MER3A4MArbeitszeit : Teilzeit Join usAufgaben

Mercedes-Benz AG is responsible for the global business of Mercedes-Benz Cars and Mercedes-Benz Vans worldwide. The company focuses on the development, production and sale of passenger cars and vans as well as services.

We offer students the opportunity to take on a flexible temporary position at the Cologne / Pulheim Logistics Center with the following tasks, among others :

  • Warehousing
  • order picking
  • Packing

Flexible employment means for you :

Before starting employment, we will ask you about your possible periods (weekly or daily - at least working days in total) in the period from ..4 to ..5.

Based on the periods of employment you specify, we will deploy you flexibly according to our needs.

Please note that you may work a maximum of hours per week (around 2 days) during the lecture period. During the semester break, this limit does not apply and you can work up to hours per week.

You will work directly in the entire logistics area and be part of the action at Mercedes-Benz AG.


  • You are at least years old and can work flexibly from Monday to Saturday
  • You are an enrolled student (no semester off!)
  • Have a good command of written and spoken German
  • You are available for the above-mentioned campaign period
  • Willingness to work full days in shifts
  • You enjoy working in a team

Additional information

Find out about additional income limits and social security obligations in the context of child benefit entitlements and BAföG in advance of your employment.

Please only apply online using the "Join us" button.

Please understand that it may take some time to process your application.

Please check your e-mail inbox and spam folder regularly for further information on your application.

Do you have any questions?

We look forward to receiving your application!

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