Your vision is ambitious
Our people are our success. As one of us, you will contribute to engineering excellence for the high-tech markets of the future, including semiconductors, batteries, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and data centers. At Exyte, you will be part of a global community of challenge seekers who are ambitious and passionate about innovation. Together, we will build on our company’s long history and keep on leading the way to a better world.
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Exyte Technology develops, manufactures and maintains controlled production environments and cleanroom products for customers all over the world. We are looking for you to join our team in Renningen!
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Exyte is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and is committed to equal opportunity and equal treatment. Therefore, Exyte Group provides equal employment opportunities to all qualified applicants regardless of ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, color, religion, protected veteran or disability status, or genetic information.
Exyte ist ein "Equal Employment Opportunity" Arbeitgeber und verpflichtet sich zur Chancengleichheit und Gleichbehandlung. Daher bietet Exyte allen qualifizierten Bewerber : innen gleiche Beschäftigungschancen, unabhängig von Abstammung, Geschlecht, sexueller Orientierung, Geschlechtsidentität, Rasse, Hautfarbe, Religion, geschütztem Veteranen- oder Behindertenstatus oder genetischen Informationen.
Exyte is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and is committed to equal opportunity and equal treatment. Therefore, Exyte Group provides equal employment opportunities to all qualified applicants regardless of ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, color, religion, protected veteran or disability status, or genetic information.
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