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Central University of South BiharBochum, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Vor 13 Tagen

Prof. Kameshwar Nath Singh is the 3rd ViceChancellor of Central University of South Bihar (CUSB), Gaya. Priorto joining CUSB, Prof. Singh was Vice-Chancellor of Uttar PradeshRajarshi Tandon Open University, Prayagraj and Prof. Rajendra Singh(Rajju Bhaiya) State University, Prayagraj. He completed hisgraduation, post-graduation and PhD from Deen Dayal UpadhyayaGorakhpur University, Gorakhpur. He started his academic career atthe same University where he also worked as Head of the departmentof Geography. He has been the founder Director of Deen DayalUpadhyaya Research Foundation at Deen Dayal Upadhyaya GorakhpurUniversity, Gorakhpur. Prof. Singh has about 32 years of richprofessional experience in different aspects of teaching, research,administration, training as well as major research projectsformulations, both national and international. He has supervised 20Ph.D. students and one post-doctoralfellow.

Prof. Singh has worked as a ResearchAssociate at the Institute of Geography and Institute forDevelopment Research and Development Policy at Ruhr University,Bochum, Germany for one year in a joint research project titled‘Urban fringe study of Indian and German cities’ sponsored by DAAD.He has conducted extensive field survey in different parts ofGermany as well as the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg under theguidance of Late Prof. K. H. Hottes, Director, Institute ofGeography and Institute of Development Studies, Germany. Prof.Singh has contributed mainly in the field of environment, regionaldevelopment and value education. He has more than seventypublications to his credit in the form of research papers andpolicy papers etc. He is the author of 17 books and is currentlyworking on his upcoming book entitled ‘Geography of India : Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow’. He has served as Vice Presidentof the National Association of Geographers of India (NAGI) and atpresent he is the President of the Association of North IndianGeographers of which he was previously General Secretary for almost20 years.

Prof. Singh is the founder GeneralSecretary of the Institute for Rural Eco-development which has beenestablished with viewpoint of action-oriented research foreco-development of rural areas. He is the executive editor of the‘Journal of Eco development’ as well as ‘Uttar Bharat BhugolPatrika’, published from the Dept. of Geography, Deen DayalUpadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur. Prof. Singh has beenorganizing Prithvi Parva National Seminar every year on the eve ofVasant Panchami for the last 25 years which has regularly churnedout useful recommendations and insights for policy makers andplanners. He has pursued an active and engaging social and publiclife wherein he has been the organizer of Purvanchal Swadeshi Mela,Gorakhpur with help of Swadeshi Jagarana Manch and Bhartiya VipdanVikas Kendra. He has been Convenor of Sarva Samaveshi SanskritiKumbh and Bhoogol Kumbh at Prayagraj Kumbh Mela in2018.

Prof. K.N. Singh is contributing to a greatextent in other higher education assignments. He is Visitor’s / President of India’s nominee Executive Councillor of CentralUniversity of Jharkhand, Ranchi and Governor’s nominee ExecutiveCouncillor of University of Allahabad (A Central University). He isserving as expert member of Research Degree Committee and Board ofStudies in several Universities. He is an esteemed member of thecollegium of eminent social scientists, constituted by the ICSSR,New Delhi. He has also been nominated as Senate Member, IIT Patna.Presently, he is also the President (elected), Deccan GeographicalSociety of India, Pune. Prof. K.N. Singh has been honoured withseveral awards such as distinguished citizenaward by Yuva Chetna Samiti, Gorakhpurand State award for excellent working ascoordinator of National Service Scheme by Dept. of HigherEducation, U.P. Government. He has been awarded withthe best Geographer award by DeccanGeographical Society of India, Pune in 2014 for lastingcontributions in domain of Geography and for able administration inthe University system.

As Vice-Chancellor ofCentral University of South Bihar, Prof. K.N. Singh has prioritiseddeveloping congenial learning environment, efficient andtransparent administration and strengthening student support systemin the perspective of New Education Policy 2020. He has laid moreemphasis on professional courses in light of era of globalization,liberalization and privatization as per need of 21st Century.Moreover, he is planning to focus on research and development onthe principle of Integral Humanism propounded by Pandit Deen DayalUpadhyaya. Keeping the ideals of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ and ‘SarveBhavantu Sukhinah’, Prof. Singh firmly believes in the principle ofthink globally but act locally in light of Hon’ble Prime MinisterShri Narendra Modi Ji’s principle of ‘Vocal for Local’ to achievethe goal of ‘AatmaNirbharBharat’.

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