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Leiter Finanz und Rechnungswesen

Leiter Finanz und Rechnungswesen

DJBStuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Vor einem Tag

Job Description

ManagerFinance & Administration

You willtake on a broad range of financial and administrativeresponsibilities, working closely with the shareholders to ensureefficient management of financial processes and corporateadministration.


  • Serve as the firstpoint of contact for all Finance & Administration topics forshareholders and employees
  • Oversee projectfinance and legal aspects in collaboration with the Head of ProjectManagement and project leads
  • Manage the entirebudgeting process, including ongoingforecasting
  • Conduct financial controlling,including analysis of special financialtopics
  • Handle accounting, annual financialstatements, and tax matters in collaboration with our taxadvisors
  • Manage banking operations, includingaccount management and cash flowoptimization
  • Oversee licensing agreements withclients and shareholders
  • Control and manage allcompany expenses
  • Address shareholder-relatedfinancial matters such as withdrawals and taximplications
  • Support office management inhandling complex administrative tasks
  • Lead andmentor the Office Manager and FacilityManager
  • Collaborate closely with the HR Manageron finance-related HR topics
  • Supervise Finance& Legal operations at our Shanghaioffice
  • Act as the Information SecurityOfficer
  • Manage company insurance, mobilecontracts, and related administrativeservices


  • 5+years of professional experience in finance, controlling, andideally project management in a commercialsetting
  • Bachelor's or Master's degree inBusiness Administration, Economics, or a relatedfield
  • Strong knowledge of financial accounting,controlling, and commercialprocesses
  • Proficiency in MSOffice
  • Good verbal and written communicationskills in English
  • Strong analytical thinkingand problem-solving skills
  • Quick comprehensionand high self-motivation
  • Reliable, structured,and solution-oriented
  • Proficient use of ITtools and a tech-savvy approach
  • Clear andconcise communication skills
  • Team player with ahigh level of integrity andtrustworthiness
  • Ability to address criticalissues transparently and persistently follow up on challengingtopics
  • Balanced approach to business interestsand employee needs
  • Empathetic handling ofdiverse personalities in a creative workenvironment
  • High resilience and stresstolerance
  • Self-reflective and open tocontinuous learning andfeedback
  • AboutUs

    We are a fun and passionate team that placeshigh importance not only on professional skills but also on greatpersonalities. Our onboarding program will prepare you well foryour new role and introduction to your new team. We offer flexibleoffice, home-office policy, and work times, along with benefits tosupport a healthy lifestyle, e.g. fitness allowance, home officesupport.

    We also provide opportunities to receiveon-and-off-the-job training, as well as travel to events,trade-shows, conferences, and exhibitions. You will have the chanceto work on a diverse range of projects with designers, researchers,strategists, technologists, and model-makers. Regular team-eventswill be held, both planned and spontaneous, such as team-lunches,annual field-trips, X-mas parties, ad-hoc Karaoke, or theCannstatter Volksfestes.