Teamleiter (m/w/d) CRM-Konfiguratorenentwicklung und Stammdatenmanagement

Rohde & Schwarz
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Functional area All

  • Administration 7
  • Application Development 30
  • Construction 6
  • Controlling 7
  • Cybersecurity 3
  • Finance 16
  • Hardware Development 36
  • Human Resources 12
  • Information Technology 37
  • Law 2
  • Manufacturing 27
  • Marketing and Communication 9
  • Material Management and Logistics 5
  • Order Processing 7
  • Other 15
  • Project Management 35
  • Purchasing 4
  • Quality Management 14
  • Sales and Product Management 69
  • Services 40
  • Software Development 115
  • System Development 57
  • Vocational Training 36

Entry level All

  • Doctoral candidates 1
  • Interns 41
  • Managers 49
  • PhD 18
  • Professionals 400
  • Pupils 44
  • Students writing thesis (Bachelor / Masters) 23
  • Working students 56
  • Young professionals 178

Location All

  • Australia 10
  • Austria 1
  • Canada 1
  • China 9
  • Czech Republic 6
  • Denmark 1
  • France 9
  • Germany 429
  • Hungary 5
  • India 32
  • Indonesia 1
  • Israel 3
  • Italy 3
  • Japan 1
  • Malaysia 7
  • Netherlands 3
  • PK 2
  • Poland 3
  • Romania 4
  • Rwanda 1
  • Singapore 22
  • South Korea 3
  • Spain 1
  • Switzerland 1
  • Taiwan 7
  • Thailand 3
  • USA 15
  • United Kingdom 7

City / region All

  • Aalborg 1
  • BV Utrecht 2
  • Bangalore 18
  • Bangkok 3
  • Beijing 8
  • Berlin 42
  • Brisbane Airport 4
  • Bucharest 4
  • Budapest 5
  • California 1
  • Chemnitz 2
  • Cologne 20
  • Columbia (Maryland) 2
  • Deakin (Canberra) 1
  • Dresden 10
  • Duisburg 1
  • Fleet 7
  • Four Corners 1
  • France 1
  • Gdynia 1
  • Haiger 9
  • Hamburg 11
  • Hillsboro (Oregon) 4
  • Hyderabad 11
  • Irvine (California) 1
  • Islamabad 2
  • Johor Bahru 4
  • Kiel 22
  • La Ciotat 4
  • Leipzig 26
  • Memmingen 62
  • Meudon La Foret Cedex 5
  • Munich 164
  • Nationwide 2
  • New Delhi 18
  • North Ryde (Sydney - NSW) 5
  • Ra'anana 2
  • Rome 3
  • San José (California) 2
  • Shah Alam, Selangor 2
  • Siegburg 2
  • Singapore - Changi Business Park 17
  • Singapore - Loyang 5
  • Stuttgart 32
  • Taipei City 7
  • Teisnach 94
  • Vimperk 6
  • Warsaw 2
  • Wuerselen 6
  • Yongin 3

591 Job offerings Ausbildung zum Maschinen- und Anlagenführer (m / w / d) Fachrichtung Metall und Kunststofftechnik zum 01.

09.2025 Favorite Functional area Vocational Training Entry level Pupils Location Germany City / region Teisnach Hardware Entwickler (m / w / d) digitale Schaltungsentwicklung und hardwarenahe FPGA Programmierung Favorite Functional area Hardware Development Entry level Professionals Location Germany City / region Stuttgart Teamleiter (m / w / d) CRM-Konfiguratorenentwicklung und Stammdatenmanagement Favorite Functional area Controlling Entry level Multiple Location Germany City / region Multiple Working Student (m / w / d) Test System Hardware (with internship and thesis option) Favorite Functional area Hardware Development Entry level Working students Location Germany City / region Munich Duales Studium Mechatronik und Projektmanagement (m / w / d) zum 01.

09.2025 Favorite Functional area Vocational Training Entry level Pupils Location Germany City / region Teisnach Duales Studium Informatik (m / w / d) zum 01.

09.2025 Favorite Functional area Vocational Training Entry level Pupils Location Germany City / region Teisnach Duales Studium Elektrotechnik (m / w / d) zum 01.

09.2025 Favorite Functional area Vocational Training Entry level Pupils Location Germany City / region Teisnach Duales Studium Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (m / w / d) zum 01.

09.2025 Favorite Functional area Vocational Training Entry level Pupils Location Germany City / region Teisnach Duales Studium Maschinenbau (m / w / d) zum 01.

09.2025 Favorite Functional area Vocational Training Entry level Pupils Location Germany City / region Teisnach Ausbildung Industriekaufleute (m / w / d) zum 01.

09.2025 Favorite Functional area Vocational Training Entry level Pupils Location Germany City / region Teisnach Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker (m / w / d) Anwendungsentwicklung zum 01.

09.2025 Favorite Functional area Vocational Training Entry level Pupils Location Germany City / region Teisnach Ausbildung Verfahrensmechaniker (m / w / d) Beschichtungstechnik zum 01.

09.2025 Favorite Functional area Vocational Training Entry level Pupils Location Germany City / region Teisnach Ausbildung zum IT-Systemelektroniker (m / w / d) zum 01.

09.2025 Favorite Functional area Vocational Training Entry level Pupils Location Germany City / region Teisnach Ausbildung zum Oberflächenbeschichter (m / w / d) zum 01.

09.2025 Favorite Functional area Vocational Training Entry level Pupils Location Germany City / region Teisnach Ausbildung zum Elektroniker (m / w / d) für Geräte und Systeme zum 01.

09.2025 Favorite Functional area Vocational Training Entry level Pupils Location Germany City / region Teisnach Ausbildung zum Industriemechaniker (m / w / d) Fachrichtung Feingerätebau zum 01.

09.2025 Favorite Functional area Vocational Training Entry level Pupils Location Germany City / region Teisnach Working Student (m / f / d) LLM for Mobile Radio Test Favorite Functional area Software Development Entry level Working students Location Germany City / region Munich Software-Demand-Manager Test Application Development (m / w / d) Favorite Functional area Software Development Entry level Multiple Location Germany City / region Memmingen National Application Engineer, Vector Network Analyzers Favorite Functional area Sales and Product Management Entry level Professionals Location USA City / region Nationwide Werkstudent (m / w / d) Finance and Accounting Favorite Functional area Administration Entry level Working students Location Germany City / region Munich Projektingenieur Produktionseinführung (m / w / d) Favorite Functional area Project Management Entry level Multiple Location Germany City / region Memmingen Technischer Projektleiter / Chief Product Owner (m / w / d) Sichere Funkverfahren Favorite Functional area Project Management Entry level Professionals Location Germany City / region Munich Business Development Manager Aerospace & Defense Test, Western US Favorite Functional area Sales and Product Management Entry level Professionals Location USA City / region Multiple Account Manager, Strategic Accounts - Mid Atlantic Favorite Functional area Sales and Product Management Entry level Professionals Location USA City / region Mid Atlantic Strategic Sales Lead - Production Solutions and Software, Bay Area Favorite Functional area Sales and Product Management Entry level Multiple Location USA City / region San José (California) Technicien.

ne Tests et Validation (F / H) Favorite Functional area Sales and Product Management Entry level Multiple Location France City / region La Ciotat Embedded Software-Entwickler Digitale Signalverarbeitung (m / w / d) Favorite Functional area Software Development Entry level Professionals Location Germany City / region Memmingen Koordinator für den Technologietransfer (m / w / d) Favorite Functional area Services Entry level Professionals Location Germany City / region Memmingen Masterand (m / f / d) - Development and Training of a Machine Learning Model for Layer 2 Data of 5G and 4G Favorite Functional area Information Technology Entry level Students writing thesis (Bachelor / Masters) Location Germany City / region Munich Werkstudent (m / w / d) Controlling & Data Analytics Favorite Functional area Controlling Entry level Working students Location Germany City / region Munich

Results 1 - 30 of 591

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