PhD in the Field of Cognitive Neuroimaging
Deadline for applications is November 10, 2024. Interviews take place at the end of January 2025. The program starts in October 2025.
The IMPRS on Cognitive NeuroImaging aims to recruit and educate inter national, moti vated, curious, indepen dent, self-organized, and highly talented docto ral researchers who wish to extend their know ledge and research expe rience in a struc tured three-year PhD program on cogni tive neuro imaging.
Applicants should come with an excellent master's degree (or equivalent) in a wide spectrum of poten tial disciplines such as cognitive neuroscience, computational neuroscience, trans lational neuro science, psychology, medicine, neurobiology, computer science, engineering, mathematics, physics, neuro imaging, bio chemistry, or related fields.
The master's degree should have been awarded by an inter nationally recognized university. Students nearing comple tion of their master's degree are also encouraged to apply.
Research experience in an area related to the graduate school's scope is essential for success ful candi dates. Proficiency in oral and written English is crucial, as English is the teaching and super vision language.
Appli cants with a bachelor's degree will, in exceptio nal cases, also be admitted to the school (see website for details).
The graduate school offers its doctoral researchers outstanding research oppor tunities in a very inter national and multidisciplinary environment.
It includes access to state-of-the-art cognitive and imaging neuro science facilities, e.g. 7T MRI scanner, four 3T MRI scanners including a Connectom MRI scanner equipped with ultra-strong gradients (one of only four worldwide), a 306-channel MEG system, and several TMS, tDCS, NIRS, and EEG systems.
Research projects and teaching are assigned to three thematic modules (Cognitive Neuro science, Clinical and Translational Neuro science, Develop ment of Neuro imaging and Modelling Methods).
Our faculty is very inter disci pli nary and comprises more than 30 highly renowned researchers from our partici pating research organi zations performing high-end research related to one of the three modules.
The IMPRS on Cognitive NeuroImaging offers its doctoral researchers a cutting-edge educa tional program that integrates inno vative teaching approaches.
These include hybrid teaching, flipped classroom activities, as well as remote learning elements to accelerate students' learning curves and furthermore emphasizes Open Science education.
The teaching program is adapted to each doctoral researcher's indivi dual needs and academic back ground via an individual develop ment plan and offers a wide range of theoretical and methodo logical training oppor tunities in the rapidly evolving field of cognitive neuro imaging.
General intro ductory courses and project-specific advanced training provide doctoral researchers with a solid founda tion for their theses.
The emphasis on neuro imaging and computa tional modelling further strengthens this founda tion and enables new types of doctoral projects at the leading edge of the field.
Lecture series will be supple mented by a broad spectrum of scientific and trans ferable skills courses and also emphasizes teaching Open Science and good research practices.
Doctoral researchers are given the opportunity to receive funding for research stays of up to three months at one of our partner institutions.
Applications will be reviewed and evaluated in several stages. Short listed candidates will be invited for interviews with the graduate school's faculty, which will take place in January 2025.
The IMPRS on Cognitive NeuroImaging aims to recruit excellent doctoral researchers from all genders, natio nali ties, ethnicities and social back grounds, sexual orienta tions, and physical abilities.
We are committed to equal oppor tunities and aim at a diverse student body, and thus especially encourage appli cations from indivi duals who belong to under represented groups in science.
A limited number of doctoral researchers will be funded through contracts based on the German TVöD ( Collective Agreement for the Public Service ) and will receive remuneration corresponding to 65 % of pay group 13 of the TVöD (currently around 37,000 euros gross annually, i.
e. before taxes, health insurance fees, and fees for further social insurance). More details about funding can be found on the webpage.
With almost 600,000 inhabitants, Leipzig is the largest city in the federal state of Saxony, a one-hour train ride to Berlin.
In more than 800 years of recorded history, Leipzig emerged as a city of classical music, trade fairs, academic edu cation, and - recently - modern arts.
With its many parks, forests, canals, and lakes, Leipzig is a perfect place for recreation, sports, and leisure time, and it offers plenty of oppor tunities for social life.
For more information about our graduate school please visit https : / / and go to https : / / to submit your application.For further information please contact [email protected] on Cognitive NeuroImaging Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain SciencesStephanstrasse 1A, 04103 Leipzig, GermanyWeb : https : / / imprs-coni.
mpg.deX (Twitter) : @IMPRSCoNI