Jobsuche > München > (senior) it system administrator (m/f/d)

(Senior) IT System Administrator (m/f/d)

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How you’ll make an impact at Vantis

As a (Senior) IT System Administrator (m / w / d) at Vantis, you will play a vital role in revolutionizing the medical domain and shaping the future of healthcare solutions.

You will be the owner of the IT infrastructure that enables us to deliver innovative products that empower patients and doctors.

Utilizing your expertise, you will enhance and uphold our infrastructure, ensuring it consistently meets the highest standards of performance, reliability, and security essential in the medical sector.

Responsibilities :

  • Be the owner of our entire IT infrastructure, encompassing our products and the IT within our clinical facilities, tailoring it to foster the company's growth and success.
  • Manage all IT systems within our headquarters and clinical facilities, configuring them to best support users and facilitate innovation.
  • Oversee all deployment and technical operations aspects for our products, ensuring seamless and secure product performance (using Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform for our Cloud-based infrastructure).
  • Refine and implement robust IT security measures across all domains to safeguard systems and data integrity continuously.
  • Contribute to a well-organized and professional environment by maintaining up-to-date architecture, infrastructure, and process documentation.

What you need to succeed

  • 2+ years of relevant working experience
  • Proficiency in IT system and server administration and understanding of infrastructure as code principles.
  • Familiarity with a majority of the following services or topics : Microsoft 365, Security Tools, Backups, Endpoint Management, Network Management.
  • Proven experience in designing and implementing cloud infrastructure, incorporating IT security standards.
  • Familiarity with a majority of the following services, tools, or technologies : Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker, Python, Nginx, CI / CD, Git, Monitoring.
  • German and English working proficiency with strong communication skills
  • You excel in the dynamic nature of our startup environment, thriving amidst the fast-paced and ever-changing atmosphere.

Taking ownership comes naturally to you, and you are always eager to assume responsibility, within your role and beyond.

About us

Bei Vantis stehen wir an vorderster Front der medizinischen Innovation. Mit einem starken Fokus auf Technologie und chronischen Krankheiten arbeiten wir daran, die traditionelle Gesundheitsversorgung radikal zu verbessern.

Wie machen wir das? Durch die Kombination digitaler Behandlungswege und einer maßgeschneiderten, patientenzentrierten Versorgung vor Ort.

Wenn du Lust hast, die Zukunft der Medizin mitzugestalten und Teil eines dynamischen und zukunftsorientierten Teams zu werden, bist du bei uns genau richtig!

Vor 30+ Tagen
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