Jobsuche > Darmstadt > Researcher

Researcher in "Space Radiobiology" (all genders)

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung
Darmstadt, DE
Diese Stelle ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar.

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt operates one of the leading particle accelerators for science.

Currently, the new FAIR ( F acility for A ntiproton and I on R esearch) one of the world's largest research projects, will be built in international cooperation.

GSI and FAIR offer the opportunity to work in this international environment with a team of employees committed to ensuring each day to conduct world-class science.

The Biophysics department is an interdisciplinary collaboration of biologists, physicists, chemists, biochemists and technicians.

The multidisciplinary research in our group covers a wide range of topics from radiobiology, radiation physics and space research to radiation therapy.

The Biophysics (BIO)’ department is looking for a

Researcher in Space Radiobiology (all genders)

Posting ID : 24.100-1520

Beyond Low Earth Orbit, space radiation places astronauts at significant risk for central nervous system effects, degenerative diseases, cancer induction or even radiation sickness.

The candidate will join the Space Radiobiology group and perform in vitro and in vivo experiments at the ground-based space radiation facilities of GSI / FAIR.

This research will contribute to the evaluation of radiation-induced health effects and to test mitigation strategies that could reduce the risks to astronauts and improve mission performance during future long-term space exploration.

The position (PhD or Post-Doc level) is linked to the (High-Energy Accelerators for Radiation Testing and Shielding) project, which is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe programme.

This project catalyses the interdisciplinary collaboration between biologists and physicists among the leading accelerator-based institutes in Europe, which provides excellent opportunities for networking and joint experiments.

The candidate is encouraged to present his / her research results at project meetings, conferences and will be involved in several national and international ongoing collaborations.

We welcome applicants at PhD and Post-Doc level for this position.

Your tasks :

  • Develop and implement novel radiobiological methods, including rodent and organ-on-chip models relevant to space radiobiology research
  • Participate in the design and execution of iradiation experiments devoted to in vitro and in vivo space radiobiology research, particularly experiments linked to the program and the newly developped galactic cosmic ray (GCR) simulator at GSI / FAIR
  • Statistical analysis of experimental datasets
  • Involvement in scientific publications and dissemination of project results

Your profile :

  • A solid, hands-on experience in cell culturing and common methods in molecular and cell biology techniques
  • Experience with performing assays like PCR, IHC and microscopic techniques
  • Interest and knowledge of bioinformatics and omics technologies, as well as experience in statistical methods for data analysis
  • Fluent written and spoken English skills, enjoying working in an international environment
  • Excellent ability to work in a team and a high degree of flexibility and autonomy is required
  • Creative, enthusiastic and result-driven mindset

For PhD position (3 year contract) :

  • Master degree in Biology, Medical Biosciences, Biotechnology or related disciplines
  • Strong interest in research in the field of space radiobiology

For Post-Doc position (2 year contract) :

  • PhD degree in Biology, Medical Biosciences, Biotechnology or related disciplines
  • Proven experience in radiation experiments
  • Experience and a publication track record in the field of radiation biology
  • Experience in student supervision

Considered as an advantage :

  • Experience in histology, imaging and behavioral assessment of lab animals (FELASA B certificate)
  • Experience in bioinformatics and high-dimensional data analysis

We offer an interesting position in an innovative, interdisciplinary and well-equipped research department, world leading in biophysics and radiation biology research with charged particle beams.

In addition, the institute is selected by the European Space Agency (ESA) to perform research on biological and physical effects of space radiation under the program.

The researcher will benefit from international exposure through this network and will be part of a EU Horizon-funded international research collaboration.

The contract is limited for 2 years for Post-Doc candidates or 3 years for PhD candidates. The salary is based on the collective agreement for public employees (TVöD).

GSI supports the vocational development of women. Therefore, women are especially encouraged to apply for the position.

Handicapped persons will be preferentially considered when equally qualified.

Questions regarding this position should be sent to Dr. Charlot Vandevoorde () or Dr. Jeannette Jansen ()

Further information about FAIR and GSI is available at and .

If you are interested in working in an exceptional international, highly technical environment, please send your complete application documents, with two references and details of your earliest possible starting date, quoting the Posting-ID 24.

100-1520 by 23rd of August 2024 at the latest

via the online portal on our job site :

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH




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