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Dual study program Electrical Engineering and Information Technology/Automation, Bachelor of Engineering, Mercedes-Benz AG, Düsseldorf plant, starting October 1, 2025, (f/m/d), in the campus model with Stuttgart

Düsseldorf, DE
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Tätigkeitsbereich : PersonalFachabteilung : Schulungsleitung Duale Hochschule 5Gesellschaft : Mercedes-Benz AGStandort : Mercedes-Benz Werk Düsseldorf, DüsseldorfStartdatum : .

5Veröffentlichungsdatum : ..4Stellennummer : MERULArbeitszeit : Vollzeit (teilzeitgeeignet) Join usAufgaben

The dual study program at Mercedes-Benz not only provides you with a sound academic education and practical experience, but also an essential corporate experience.

The campus model allows you to experience the Group up close! In joint training courses and seminars, most of which take place in Stuttgart, you will come together with students from all plants.

During your practical assignments in your second and third year of study, you will start at the main plant in Düsseldorf.

Electrical engineers deal with all future topics in our industry, e.g. the electrification of vehicles and intelligent production solutions (Industry 4.0).

You will spend the theoretical phases at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University at the Friedrichshafen campus.

Basic subjects such as mathematics, physics, digital technology, electronics and measurement technology, computer science, electrical engineering, control engineering and microcomputer technology are taught.

In the Automation course, the focus is on hardware and software solutions for process automation.

During the practical phases, you will gain experience in areas such as product and process development, measurement and testing technology, planning, production and quality assurance or project management.

We offer you an attractive salary during your dual study program. Once you have successfully completed your studies, your practical experience will give you excellent entry and career opportunities within the company.


What you should also bring with you :

Initiative, commitment and flexibility

Good communication and teamwork skills

A keen interest in technical topics

Strong logical and analytical thinking skills

Enthusiasm for our products

Willingness to be mobile

Further information

Duration of the course : ..5 - ..8

The theoretical phases take place at the DHBW Ravensburg, Friedrichshafen campus.

The practical phases take place in Stuttgart in the first year of study and from the second year onwards mainly at the Düsseldorf location.

One placement can take place worldwide.

We support your mobility with the Deutschland-Ticket JugendBW. If you change location, you will receive additional financial support.

For stays in Stuttgart, accommodation in a hall of residence is usually possible.

BenefitsEssens zulagenMit arbeiter handy möglichMit arbeiter rabatte möglichMit arbeiter beteili gung möglichMit arbeiter EventsCoachingFlexible Arbeits zeit möglichHybrides Arbeiten möglichGesund heits maß nahmenBetrieb liche Alters ver sorgungMobilitäts angeboteBetriebs arztKantine, CaféBarriere frei heitGute An bindungPark platz

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