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Wissenschaftler:in im wissenschaftsunterstützenden Bereich (d/w/m) - Inklusiver Job 🦼 🦻 🦯

Alfred-Wegener-Institut – Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Potsdam, DE
Diese Stelle ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar.

The Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) is a member of the Helmholtz Association (HGF) and funded by federal and state government.

AWI focuses on polar and marine research in a variety of disciplines such as biology, oceanography, geology, geochemistry and geophysics thus allowing multidisciplinary approaches to scientific goals.

Scientist in the scientific support area (f / d / m)


Sediment cores from lakes and oceans are archives of the time. In the section Polar Terrestrial Environmental System we plan and examine field work (mostly in Polar regions) with the aim to collect sediment cores for the paleoecological analysis (including geochemical, microfossil and molecular proxies), which provide us with conclusions about the species composition of ecosystems and their dynamics through the past.

Your task will be to plan and carry out fieldwork, collect and subsample sediment cores and investigate age-depth relationship, sedimentological and elemental composition.

Further you will be responsible for the organization of microfossil and partly for the DNA lab and you will work on sample extractions for pollen and DNA analyses.

You will be involved in the analyses of geochemical-sedimentological data and in the advancement of coring systems for fieldwork purposes.

Further, you will learn students in coring and lab techniques.

Your work will make an essential contribution to the collection of sediment core samples, which are essential to for the research of our section and will contribute to the understanding of ecosystem change in polar regions.

We are a multicultural team and particularly look forward to applications from different scientific institutional systems and / or persons with experience in visits abroad.


  • Scientific-strategic planning of expeditions and participation
  • Creation of a scientific-strategic concept for sedimentological work per sediment core locality
  • Sediment core sampling and preparation (XRF, Pollen, DNA)
  • Scientific evaluation of sedimentological data and preparation of age-depth models
  • Organizational management and organization of the microfossil and partly DNA (for ordering system) laboratory
  • Scientific advancement of drilling technology
  • Induction of (international) students and interns in the activities mentioned
  • Participation in outreach activities as part of Science Day (or similar)


  • Completed engineering studies (Master's Degree) in the environmental sector or a comparable degree in geosciences, geoecology, biology, chemistry
  • Practical experience in preparing for and participating in expeditions
  • Practical experience in environmental, geo, or bio laboratories
  • Desirable practical experience in taking sediment core samples
  • Desirable practical experience in documenting and analyzing sediment core samples (XRF scanning, age-depth modeling)
  • Desirable practical experience in microfossil laboratory work
  • Desirable practical experience in molecular genetic work (DNA extraction, NGS sequencing)
  • Desirable practical experience in (paleo)proteomics, protein extraction, and sequencing
  • Desirable international research experiences

Further Information

For any questions you may have, you are very welcome to get in touch with Prof. Dr. Ulrike Herzschuh ( ulrike.herzschuh@awi.

de ; +49 331 58174-5601) and Dr. Kathleen Stoof-Leichsenring ( [email protected] ; +49(331)58174-5662).

This is an unlimited full-time position. It is also suitable for part-time employment. The salary will be paid in accordance with the Collective Agreement for the Public Service of the Federation (Tarifvertrag des öffentlichen Dienstes, TVöD Bund), up to salary level 13 .

The place of employment will be Potsdam.

The AWI is characterized by

  • our scientific success - excellent research
  • collaboration and cooperation - intra-institute, national and international, interdisciplinary
  • opportunities to develop on the job and towards other positions
  • an international environment everyday contact with people from all over the world
  • flexible working hours
  • health promotion and company fitness
  • support services and a culture of reconciling work and family
  • occupational pension provision (VBL)

AWI values diversity and actively promotes gender parity, as well as an open, inclusive environment that provides equal opportunities.

We are convinced that diverse teams and a variety of perspectives enrich our work and our daily collaboration. In a continuous process of learning and reflection, we aim to ensure that all our employees can be themselves and feel a sense of belonging.

We welcome applications from qualified people regardless of binary and non-binary genders, race and nationality, ethnic and social background, religion, age, physical abilities, neurodivergence, sexual orientation, and other identities.

Applicants with disabilities will be given preference when equal qualifications are present.

AWI fosters work-family compatibility in various ways and has received several awards as a result of this commitment. And as a new international member of our team, you can be sure that we will help you settle in.

Our Family Office and International Office will be glad to support you , even before you start at AWI.

We look forward to your application!

Please submit your application by October 7th 2024, exclusively online.

Reference number : 24 / 138 / G / Geo-u

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