PhD position / Research Assistant (f/m/d) Numerical development of mitigation strategies for wind farm cluster wakes
ForWind- Center for Wind Energy Research has a vacancy in the team Energy Meteorologyof the research group "Wind Energy Systems" at the Institute of Physics of theUniversity of Oldenburg for a
PhDposition / Research Assistant (f / m / d) Numericaldevelopment of mitigation strategies for wind farm cluster wakes (E13 TV-L,75 %).
Thefuture energy system will rely on large wind farm clusters with hundreds ofturbines. The wake, i.e., the downstream flow, of such clusters is reducing theenergy yield of neighbouring wind farms.
Therefore, we request you to model thecluster wakes by High Performance Computing (HPC) and numerically develop andtest strategies to reduce their impact.
Jobdescription Themain objective of your PhD project is to improve the understanding of wind farmcluster wakes and develop mitigation strategies.
For this purpose, atmosphericlarge-eddy simulations (LES), which are becoming increasingly popular in thewind industry, are the dedicated approach.
Amongothers, your tasks in the job offered will comprise :
- performingLES of selected wind farm clusters and comparing them to satellite data andwind farm operational data,
- performingLES of different control strategies to mitigate wind farm cluster wakes,
- performingLES for wind farm clusters with different turbine technologies and innovativecontrol concepts,
- activecollaboration with scientists and industrial engineers on measurements, windfarm operational data and numerical modelling,
- presentingyour results at project meetings and conferences.
Thework takes place in a joint research project of three research institutes and avery large wind farm owner and operator.
Satellite data and measurement datafrom a wind farm provided by project partners will allow for a validation ofLES results.
You will have access to our new high-performance computing system.You will conduct your research in a team that has over two decades ofexperience in numerical fluid dynamics and simulations of atmospheric flowsusing the LES model PALM.
JobOffer Weoffer you the opportunity to develop your scientific career in a young andlively academic environment. You will be working in the WindLab - one of theuniversity's most modern office and lab spaces - while you will also have theopportunity for flexible and mobile work.
The pathway towards the PhD isactively supported by, e.g.,
- multidisciplinarycooperation with other researchers at ForWind and Fraunhofer IWES in Oldenburg,
- collaborationwith our national and international partners in research and industry,
- optionalsecondment at an international research institute,
- developmentof personal, scientific, and teaching skills through an individual trainingprogramme and selected teaching tasks,
- opportunitiesto present scientific results at international meetings and conferences tobuild your specific network,
- structuredsupervision of PhD process.
Theemployment is initially limited to three years with an intention for furtherprolongation up to four years to facilitate a PhD.
The payment is based on thecollective agreement for the public service in the German federal states, TV-LE13, for a 75% position.
Candidateprofile Requirementsfor an employment include :
- aqualifying master degree in physics, physical sciences, meteorology, mechanicalengineering, renewable energy (with major in wind energy) or in a similarfield,
- aptitudeand willingness to pursue a PhD,
- profoundknowledge in numerical fluid dynamics in atmospheric sciences or aerodynamics,
- profoundknowledge in MATLAB or Python,
- verygood English skills.
Desired(but not mandatory) qualifications are :
- knowledgein numerical or experimental atmospheric physics,
- experiencein analysing large data sets on HPC clusters,
- experiencein atmospheric large-eddy simulations,
- experienceabroad of several months during the school, study period or employment aftergraduation,
- andgood German skills.
TheUniversität of Oldenburg strives to increase the proportion of women inscience. Therefore, women are strongly encouraged to apply.
In accordance with 21, para. 3 NHG, female applicants will be given preferential considerationin the case of equivalent qualifications.
Severely disabled persons will be givenpreference in the case of equal suitability. Further, the university cares fora family-friendly working environment and offers a family service centre andchildren's daycare on campus.
Contact Forquestions regarding this job-opportunity, please contact Dr. Gerald Steinfeldat +49(0)441 / 798-5073 or preferably by email at (