Jobsuche > Stuttgart > Internship the sales

Internship in the Sales Operations Team Special Transports and Distribution Processes from September 2024

Stuttgart, DE
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Tätigkeitsbereich : Marketing / Vertrieb / KommunikationFachabteilung : Sondertransporte & DistributionsprozesseGesellschaft : Mercedes-Benz AGStandort : Mercedes-Benz AG, StuttgartStartdatum : .

4Veröffentlichungsdatum : ..4Stellennummer : MERMXArbeitszeit : Vollzeit Join usAufgaben

We at Sales Operations Mercedes-Benz Cars ensure the optimal supply of Mercedes-Benz passenger cars to the global markets.

To this end, we manage the customer-oriented coordination of vehicle deliveries. In addition, we design, implement and operate market-oriented, innovative and efficient processes and systems for the entire customer order process.

Within the Distribution and Commercial Processing department in Stuttgart, we are responsible for operational distribution and thus ensure that every vehicle is available in the desired configuration at the right time and in the right place.

In this way, we make a decisive contribution to ensuring that there are no bottlenecks or delivery problems.

These are some of the challenges you will face :

  • Support in the coordination and control of vehicle transports to and from the test centers for certification as well as emission and consumption tests
  • Collaboration in Mercedes-Benz Cars sales in the worldwide processing of orders with a focus on market communication
  • Processing of inquiries from internal process partners
  • Evaluations of vehicle flows
  • Assistance with the optimization and documentation of internal processes
  • Collaboration in (digitalization) projects


  • Degree in business administration / economics (preferably with a focus on logistics), logistics management, industrial engineering or a comparable course of study
  • Confident handling of MS Office (Excel, PowerPoint and Word)
  • Knowledge of analysis functions in Excel (e.g. pivot tables) is an advantage
  • Confident written and spoken German and English skills
  • Commitment and ability to work in a team
  • Analytical mindset and strategic way of working
  • Structured approach and organizational talent
  • Communication skills
  • Automotive affinity and knowledge of logistics / supply chain management are an advantage

Additional information :

Further information on the recruitment criteria can be found".

If you are a national of a country outside the European Economic Area, please send us your residence / work permit.

Please understand that we no longer accept paper applications and that there is no entitlement to return postage.

BenefitsEssens zulagenMit arbeiter handy möglichMit arbeiter rabatte möglichMit arbeiter beteili gung möglichMit arbeiter EventsCoachingFlexible Arbeits zeit möglichHybrides Arbeiten möglichGesund heits maß nahmenBetrieb liche Alters ver sorgungMobilitäts angeboteBarriere frei heitGute An bindungPark platzKinder betreuungBetriebs arztKantine, Café

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