Jobsuche > Karlsruhe > Research assistant

Ph.D. Student / Research Assistant (f/m/d) in IT-Security and „Explainable AI“ (XAI)

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg
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Job description

The chair of "Artificial Intelligence & Security" conducts top-level research at the intersection of computer security artificial intelligence.

We develop learning-based methods for attack detection and the discovery of vulnerabilities in software. Moreover, we research the robustness and security of artificial intelligence.

The chair is part of the Institute of Information Security and Dependability and the competence center KASTEL Security Research Labs .

Explainable machine learning (XAI) is perfectly suitable for attack detection in both focus areas of the chair (Security of AI and AI for IT-Security). For instance,

  • Detection and prevention of attacks against computer systemsAnalysis of attacks and malwareDiscovery of vulnerabilities and fuzz testing (Fuzzing)
  • Detection of attacks against machine learning ML backdoorsAdversarial examplesModel stealing and membership inference

Moreover, the robustness against attacks on the XAI methods themselves is crucially important. Next to demonstrating new attacks, in particular, developing robust XAI methods is essential for future research. For instance,

  • Input manipulations or model manipulations to disguise attacks
  • Fairwashing XAI results
  • Certifiably robust XAI methods

We seek excellent candidates for the position as Ph.D. student / research assistent to conduct top-notch research. Ph.D.

students will be members of the KIT Graduate School Cyber Security.

Moreover, the research group has strong connections to and maintains active collaborations with national and international research facilities.

We also run our own server / cluster infrastructure to support our research in the best possible way and equip our team members with the best possible hardware.

Starting date

zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt / as soon as possible

Personal qualification

  • You have a Master's degree in computer science or any related field.
  • You also require very good knowledge in computer security and / or machine learning.
  • Above all, however, you need to show enthusiasm for conducting research on cutting-edge topics in computer security and artificial intelligence and be willing to tackle the most challenging problems.


Salary category 13 TV-L, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.

Vor 30+ Tagen
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