Full Stack Developer (m/f/d)
Schwabe Group
Karlsruhe, Baden
From Na tu re. For Health. Dr. Will mar Schwa be is the world's lea ding ma nu fac tu rer of her bal me di ci nes. As a fa mi ly-owned com pany with over years of his to ry and around 4, em ployees world wi de, we stand for pro ducts of ex cep tio nal ly high qua li ty.
To pro mo te the health of peop le all over the world, we rely on mo dern re se arch, custo mer ori en ta ti on and com pe tent and mo ti va ted em ployees.
For our Glo bal Di gi tal Mar ke ting de part ment at our Karls ru he-Dur lach head quar ters within Dr. Schwa be Hol ding SE & Co.
KG we are loo king for a
Full Stack De ve l oper (m / f / d)
Your re spon si bi li ties
- De ve lop and main tain web ap pli ca ti ons using Drupal and React
- Buil ding upon a high-per for mance, sca la ble cloud plat form hos ting mul ti ple web sites of Schwa be Group world wi de
- Write back- and front-end custom Drupal code (mo du les, the mes, li bra ries)
- Col la bo ra te with other de ve l o pers and de si gners to en su re a se am less user ex pe ri ence
- Op ti mi ze, de sign and de ve lop new CMS com po nents & ar chi tec tu re-so lu ti ons in close col la bo ra ti on with in ter nal teams and ex ter nal part ners
- Main tain a li bra ry of wid gets and web com po nents that can be reu sed and repur po sed to stream li ne web de ve lop ment and de li ve ry
- Build and im ple ment APIs to con nect to in ter nal and ex ter nal tools (e.g. CRM, PIM, DAM)
- Trou ble shoot and debug any is su es that may arise
- Stay up-to-date with new tech no lo gies and best prac ti ces
Your pro fi le
- Strong pro fici en cy in PHP (Drupal is a plus) and React
- Ex pe ri ence with HTML, CSS and Ja va Script
- Strong un der stan ding of web de ve lop ment princi ples and best prac ti ces
- Ex cel lent pro blem-sol ving and de bug ging skills
- Fa mi lia ri ty with Git Lab and ver si on con t rol
- Strong com mu ni ca ti on and team work abi li ties and a po si ti ve at ti tu de
- Fluent in English (Ger man is a plus)
- Pas sio na te about tech no lo gy and ex ci ted to work on in te res ting and chal len ging pro jects
Your be ne fits
- Working on a mo dern cloud hos ting in fra st ruc tu re
- High ly fle xi ble re mo te-working and home-of fice op por tu nities
- A per for mance-re la ted re mu ne ra ti on with at trac ti ve spe cial be ne fits
- Em ploy er-fun ded pen si on care
- Va ried port fo lio of tasks in a large, gro wing and fu ture-ori en ted fa mi ly busi ness
- De ve lop ment pro s pects via con ti nuing edu ca ti on with ex ter nal pro vi ders and at the Schwa be Aca de my
- Tasty meals in our com pany can te en
- Health care by our own com pany me di cal ser vice di rect ly on site
Vor 30+ Tagen