Jobsuche > München > Purchaser

Senior Technical Purchaser

München, Bayern, DE
Diese Stelle ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar.

Your tasks

  • You are respon si ble for part of the pro cure ment of mechan i cal com po nents for our intel li gent robots
  • You con duct price nego ti a tions with sup pli ers and man ag ing the process through to con tract finalisation
  • You expand our sup plier port fo lio and main tain exist ing sup plier relationships
  • You take over the tech ni cal eval u a tion of com plaints, sam ple new com po nents and inde pen dently develop approvals and solu tions for crit i cal components
  • You are the first point of con tact for prob lem com po nents in the assembly
  • You sup port project pur chas ing in close coor di na tion with our devel op ment department

Your pro file

  • You have suc cess fully com pleted your tech ni cal stud ies or a com pa ra ble apprenticeship
  • You already gained 3 years of pro fes sional expe ri ence in a sim i lar field of activ ity, ide ally in a man u fac tur ing environment
  • You have expe ri ence in work ing with ERP systems
  • You impress with very good tech ni cal (elec tri cal and / or mechan i cal) under stand ing and detailed knowl edge of com mon man u fac tur ing processes
  • You show assertive ness and strong com mu ni ca tion skills
  • You enjoy work ing in a small team and are happy to take on respon si bil ity and show initiative
  • You speak flu ent Ger man and very good English

Why you should join us

  • Cut ting-edge tech nol ogy : As pio neers in robot ics we are able to nav i gate and manip u late with out rails and guides and offer solu tions to processes that no one could auto mate ever before!
  • Team : We are an inter na tional team with more than 25 nation al i ties. You’ll work in a team with excep tion ally smart, hum ble, col lab o ra tive and hard work ing individuals.
  • Cul ture : Come as you are! Join a vibrant, inven tive, and diverse team that val ues col lab o ra tion over hier ar chy.

To inno vate you need to fail from time to time we always learn and improve.

  • Work place : Our office is located near the S Bahn sta tion Hirschgarten . We work in a loft-style office with great equip ment, our own work shop and test ing area.
  • Full Board : You don’t feel like think ing about what you want to have for lunch tomor row, not to men tion prepar ing it?

Luck ily, our french cook treats us with a freshly cooked free lunch every day! And as the cherry on top, there is a packed fridge with drinks, fresh fruits and of course coffee!

Flex i bil ity : Flex i bil ity is a top pri or ity for us. Our hybrid work ing model for posi tions where pres ence is dis pens able helps to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

At Mag a zino fos ter ing inclu siv ity is very impor tant to us. We are ded i cated to cre ate an inclu sive envi ron ment for all can di dates and pro vide equal oppor tu ni ties to all qual i fied appli cants regard less of gen der, eth nic ity, age, national ori gin, sex ual ori en ta tion, cul ture, or edu ca tion.

If you need any rea son able adjust ments to make the appli ca tion process acces si ble for you, we’ll do our best to accom mo date you.

Feel free to approach us for that!

Vor 30+ Tagen
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