Senior Product Manager Mobile Robots
München, Bayern, DE
Your tasks
- Based on your under stand ing of the mar ket and the cus tomer needs, you define the prod uct fea tures and require ments for our mobile robot prod ucts to achieve a strong prod uct-mar ket fit
- You coor di nate the prod uct spec i fi ca tion and prod uct devel op ment phases and align the require ments with stake hold ers such as the port fo lio man age ment, sales, after-sales, pro duc tion, and devel op ment teams
- You own the fea ture roadmap for this prod uct, define mile stones and spec ify the fea tures for each of them, and bring up these devel op ment top ics for the reg u lar release planning
- You cre ate and mon i tor the prod uct time line and budget
Your Pro file
- You have suc cess fully com pleted your engi neer ing degree or a sim i lar qualification
- You have already gained 5+ years of prod uct man age ment expe ri ence for indus trial products
- You con vince with your excel lent under stand ing of tech ni cal inter re la tions, com bined with a strong crit i cal and entre pre neur ial thinking
- You are able to com mu ni cate results clearly and effec tively to lead ers and stakeholders
- A struc tured and inde pen dent way of work ing com pletes your profile
- You will get an extra smile from us if you have expe ri ence in the robot ics and / or logis tics area
- You are busi ness flu ent in both Eng lish and German
What we have to offer
- High per sonal respon si bil ity & room to maneuver
- A cre ative, dynamic and inter na tional team with flat hierarchies
- A future-ori ented job in an inno v a tive environment
- Deli cious, freshly cooked free lunch in Munich every day
- Free drinks, fresh fruits every day and a break fast to start your day right
- 100% startup atmos phere, a loft style office and reg u lar team events
- Mobile work ing for a bet ter work-life balance
Vor 30+ Tagen